George Custer :: Pentagram Magic :: Dark Occultism - The Psychopaths Playground

in #life7 years ago

Inspiration For This Post


This post was inspired by the Spirit of Custer and the awakening to a symbol of darkness. I was back in my hometown area of Bozeman, MT when I saw a framed picture of George Custer on the the wall of the public library. His picture caught my eye because of the inverted pentagram on this chest. I quickly felt a wave of goosebumps flow over me. I undoubtedly felt like I was being contacted. This plaque had pictures of George Custer, his brothers, his top officers, and the Native "scouts" that helped his invading force. This post is about the connection between the the George Custer, the inverted pentagram, dark occultism, and psychopathy. Lastly, at the very bottom are some personal pictures that are relevant to this post.

George Armstrong Custer In Brief

Custer was a Untied States Army cavalry officer who fought in the Civil War and what is know today by the conquers as the American Indian Wars. This evil man graduated from the famous institution of West Point in 1861, last in his class. Nevertheless, he became promoted to the rank of brigadier general at the age of 23. After the Civil War, he was demoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel to led the 7th Cavalry Regiment in 1866. The next year he was deployed to go fight in the American Indian Wars. He died on June 25, 1876 at the Battle of Little Bighorn in the Montana territory which infamously became known as "Custer's Last Stand". This was the infamous battle where Custer, his two brothers, his nephew, and brother-in-law were all killed. Because the conquers are the ones who get to write the history books, whatever is known today about Custer today should be "taken with a grain of salt". Nevertheless, he is probably the most know war hero/military commander of the Indian Wars that fought for the U.S. empire.

“I would be willing, yes glad, to see a battle every day during my life”
--George Armstrong Custer, My Life On The Plains: General George A. Custer

"There are far more statues of soldiers out there than there are of civilians."
-- George Armstrong Custer, source

This is a man who embodied the militaristic, racist, and dominator culture that set the tone for future expansion to the west for the empire during the American Indian Wars. In my opinion, he is the "face" of the military force that committed genocide upon the Native people living here first. The mindset of all the men/soldiers in costumes...I MEAN UNIFORMS... to go fight the "heathens" or "savages" (as they were known) was one of separation and dehumanization via RACISM. In order to get soldiers to kill innocent strangers, you need to dehumanize these innocent strangers. Dehumanize the natives so that there is a superiority complex within the murders (I MEAN SOLDIERS). This creates the "us and them" separateness which makes the mind of soldier like Custer easier to participate in genocide. The fuel for the men was racism, a paycheck, valor/nationalism, promotion, and HATE. The culture of domination is that of "this is mine" and "I'm taking it because my GOD=GOVERNMENT authority said it's mine". This culture will rationalize it's violence done onto others to dominate. The singular me/mine is then magnified into a culture of our/ours. I inherited this culture growing up in Montana as do many of us.

Picture taken in a Belgrade, MT grocery store---Children drew these.....notice the horns lol---creepy
Source = me

According to Wikipedia, the legacy after his death was of a man who was a "military hero and exemplary gentleman who sacrificed his life for his country." This is the same rhetoric that any empire would use to describe their nasty military leaders who finally got back what they dished out. In order to keep these inhumane military institutions of domination going into the future, they need to instill a sense of romantic heroism on their fallen---to immortalize them. Ultimately, he was a terrorist and mass murderer dressed in a costume given to him by his masters who got his illusion of authority to kill and conquer by his GOD = government/military. What is interesting to me here is WHY does he sport an inverted pentagram on his chest approximately where his heart SHOULD have been? This question leads me to the inverted star-pentagram and the organizations that used this symbol as their own SIGIL.

Pentagram Symbolism


This is the INVERTED pentagram which is the main symbol and sigil for dark occult organizations such as the Church of Satan, Temple of Set, and the Masonic affiliate Order of the Eastern Star. Various groups will add other symbols and colors to individualize it, but use the same template of the inverted pentagram. This symbol is the perversion of the ancient, original upward pentagram = It's 'pure' form. It is one of the worlds oldest symbols. These dark occultists take images/symbols and pervert/corrupt them. A well-known example of this is how the Nazis took the ancient Vedic symbol of the swastika and reversed it. It traditionally represented positive solar energy, good fortune, and enlightenment. The Nazis reversed it around and then became a symbols of death, bad fortune, destruction, and totalitarianism. The perversion of what if formerly meant. So, it starts to make sense why Custer was wearing this sigil.


The highest and most prestigious military decoration given to military people under the United States military is the medal of honor (above). This medal of "valor" clearly displays this inverted pentagram. WHAT DOES THIS SAY?! This point can NOT be understated. As one goes deeper, you can see the links of the forces of darkness with the military. Check out Michael Aquino. (PLEASE, if your interested, research Michael Aquino!) A motivational nickname for a Marine is "Devil Dog". The empires' drones fire "HELLFIRE" missiles down upon people. Below is the official sigil of the Church of Satan which is known as the baphomet. I'll let the founder of the Church of Satan describe the meaning of this symbol for us.


"The baphomet represents the powers of darkness combined with the generative fertility of the goat. In it's 'pure' form, the pentagram is shown encompassing the figure of a man in the five points of the star - three points up, two pointing down - symbolizing man's spiritual nature."
--Anton Szandor LaVey, founder and former high priest of the Church of Satan from his book "The Satanic Bible"

"In Satanism, the pentagram is also used, but since Satanism represents the carnal instincts of man, or the opposite of man's spiritual nature, the pentagram is inverted to perfectly accommodate the head of the goat - It's horns representing duality, thrust upwards in defiance; the other three points inverted or trinity denied."
--Anton Szandor LaVey, founder and former high priest of the Church of Satan from his book "The Satanic Bible"


The upright pentagram represents the 5 elements of the material universe or nature of Earth/Air/Fire/Water/Spirit. The 5th element of spirit or also known as the quintessence is raised above the other 4 elements. This represents the Spirit is in superior ship or above the other elements of nature. It is the cosmic, Divine source from which we all come. When depicted upright, it represents Man's Divine Nature as not just a material Being or only an "animal" if you will, but a spiritual one as well. Ironically, this is the symbol used by the U.S. Army, North Korean People's Army, Chinese People's Liberation Army, and of course Star Bucks among MANY, MANY other places.

Picture taken in the entrance area in a Wal-Mart in Sandpoint, ID
Source = me

George Custer is an example embodiment of this representative energy within the inverted pentagram. The necessary psychological framework for these military animals to rape, torture, kidnap, and murder innocent Native people is that of duality/separation/"us and them". This duality mindset/belief is that we are separate from our environment/world. It says "You are separate him/her". This then opens the door to massacres and atrocities to unfold because the soldiers committing the violence can NOT feel/understand their effects of suffering brought about by their actions. Additionally, this belief feeds the division mindset that the Native people were inferior to the superior white people. The "us and them" mentality is what every CULT creates and then indoctrinates into their followers. This is done here via racism. The two horns of the goat in the inverted satanic pentagram represents this duality consciousness that is wrecking havoc in the world. The right vs. left political paradigm so many are stuck in. This opposite sides of the polarized self then feed upon each other. If every military man that committed rape, torture, and /or murder could FEEL the effects of his actions that is being done.....he would be WAY less likely to commit that act of violence....or better yet could not commit the violence at all. We are all connected to each other and these sorcerers do their evil by getting people to think that we are not. Divide and Conquer happens on multiple levels. War looks so childish after contemplation with LSD :). No wonder it's "illegal" lol.


Dark Occultists

NOT to go deeply into this topic here, I will detail a few qualities about these dark occultists who use this inverted pentagram as their sigil. They are clever, intellectually sound psychopaths who organized into groups A LONG TIME AGO and are still here with us and very organized. They operate in the darkness and in secrecy. They operate at the top of ALL the institutions of power. Their intentions have been and are to enslave people with knowledge that they have kept/keep secret. This knowledge is of deep psychology (How our minds work) AND deep material science (How the laws of Nature work). The knowledge of the "inner" world and the "outer" world if you will. As Above, So Below. Modernly, they are top level bankers, religious leaders, "royal" families, military members, media people, medicine, education, think tanks, secret societies/ fraternal orders, and of course the world's intelligence agencies. This is where the highest concentration of dark occultists can be found at.

According to Mark Passio, a high level authority on the topic, Satanism is "an ancient, occult religion of diverse interconnected network of world-wide adherents. At it's ideological core, this religion postulates that knowledge of the human psyche and knowledge of the laws of the universe should be occulted and held by a few human beings. It is much more accurate to perceive Satanists ( and Dark Occultists in general) as ancient psychologists who hold and wield hidden information in ways which exploit those who remain ignorant of it."

George Custer and other military people like him have been under a strong form of mind control brought about by these dark occultists - SORCERERS. Military leaders and members are tools/instruments of these sorcerers to do their bidding and they reflect the mind of their owners as they have been infected by it. There is MUCH, MUCH more to this topic which I won't get into here, but nonetheless these people have been taken advantage of. I'm NOT saying that all military members are evil people, but rather they are under the spell of evil people to do their work for them. It's hard to imagine for a reader of this material with a sense of empathy and normal/natural range of emotions to murder, torture, and rape innocent human strangers. An authentic human Being. But, it happened and happens EVERYDAY on this planet because some people have infected by a deliberate form of mind control (called Government) AND been infected with the energy of the psychopath. The main essence of the psychopathic people is they DON'T CARE because they literally don't have the capacity to feel empathy or they consciously choose not to . Next is to ideological belief system propagates this psychopathic mind.

Satanism In Brief ---The 4 Main Tenets

  1. The self /EGO is higher than anything else :: The ego is essentially God :: So, Self Preservation is the highest aspiration
    and coming before anything else :: It's "me" first before anything or anybody else even if it requires "stepping on" or hurting
    others. :: Dog eat dog worldview.....Hey sounds like capitalism!

  2. Moral Relativism is the belief there is no objective right or wrong human actions/behaviors :: Man gets to choose and
    decide what is right for him/herself and what is wrong for him/herself :: There is no objective standards for ethics......Hey
    sounds like most people!!----But not all.

  3. Social Darwinism is the belief that people get into the positions of power because they are genetically superior :: They
    should get to rule over other people because Nature gave them "better" or superior genetics ::
    Taking the "survival of the fittest" idea into the human social realm where it translates into survival of the most ruthless.....Hey sounds sounds like the ideology of the 3rd Reich!!

  4. Eugenics is the final, logical conclusion this ideology :: It's the belief that this "ruling" class gets to decide who lives and
    who dies OR rather who gets to breed or not :: Gets to dictate what genetic traits are to be passed on :: Gets to play God.....Hey, again, sounds like the the ideology of the Nazi animals!!

Satanism is a belief system/ an ideology that is running through the minds of humans on Earth and is running the world. It is also a religion and with religion comes all the trappings, deceptions of what it REALLY is, and it's culture. Don't be deceived that they are just the goth-punk type. This is the religion for the psychopath. Nonetheless, it is an ideology that It's adherents wish to spread upon other a virus.

Psychopathy In Brief AND Wetiko

Again, NOT to dive deep into this topic, but I will briefly describe some of the characteristics of the psychopath. Essentially, A psychopath does NOT have the capacity to feel as an authentic human being DOES have the capacity to feel. They can NOT feel the repercussion of their actions. Right or wrong is meaningless to them. They are cunning thinkers. They are usually intellectually sound. They are master emotional manipulators via carefully observing and studying other's emotional responses. They have an ability to appear outwardly benevolent....they know how to fake it using superficial charm. Willingness use intimidation and violence to control others to get what they want. Have no guilt or remorse. Rationalize their harmful behavior and then blame others's for their conduct. Will full denial for Truth. Will not accept responsibility. Strong belief they will not be brought to justice for their misconducts. Arrogance.

Well, that was a lot. But, when you look out at the corporate/business and military/government sectors of power; you can see the psychopathic tendencies alive or these straight psychopaths at work. This is a PREDATOR energy = They feed on us. I speculate the source energy behind the colonization of the world by various empires, dark occultism-sorcery, the ecological devastation of the planet, the mas extinctions brought about by human activities and the phenomenon of psychopathy is this Wetiko phenomenon. Looking at the shadow side of our collective unconscious mind will therein lye our solutions. I encourage anybody interested in this topic to check out Paul Levy's book called "Dispelling Wetiko : Breaking the Curse of Evil" to understand this more. I haven't read his work yet as I'm new to this phenomena called Wetiko. But, I am going to keep exploring the this side of humanity that not a lot of people wish to look at because it explains SOOO much of our collective reality we are experiencing here on Earth. I hope the reader starts to see a larger picture or pattern emerging out. I leave you with a quote from Carlos Castaneda from the Active Side of Infinity =

"We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human being are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile... They took us over because we are food to them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. Just as we rear chickens in coops, humaneros. Therefore their food is always available to them."

Source #1 = Mark Passio at whatonearthishappening
Source #2 = George Custer

Here are some pictures I took with my girlfriends phone that might be interesting to you guys.

Picture taken at the back of the Bozeman, MT cemetery in front of the Vietnam Memorial Wall
Source = me

Picture taken out front of a public park in Durango, CO
Source = me

Picture taken in Bellingham, WA at a public park
Source = me

Picture taken in Bozeman, MT cemetery......there's at least 30 to 40 tombstones with inverted pentagrams on them..UMM
Source = me

Picture taken in Bozeman, MT cemetery
Source = me

Thank you so much for your valuable time and attention. Upvote if you like and follow me if you wish. Any constructive comments are welcome.
Peace, Love, and Understanding Everybody.


Very informative and chilling! Looking forward to your future posts.

Thankyou....TOTALLY used the tags in the wrong order!!! lol----I lived in Sedona for a year and half and headed back there in 2-3 weeks to stay for the winter.....MAGICAL place:)

Yes, indeed, Sedona is Magical! I'm sure she'll welcome you back into her arms.

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