Is dating before 16 years of age a problem?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

As a follow up to my last post, I would like to share parts of a program that I did for some youth a few years ago.

In our church were encouraged to only date (pairing off/one-on-one) once you are 16 years or older. I looked into the reasons why and shared some of that with the youth.
Perhaps some of this information will be of use to you directly or for your kids....I hope so.

Some of you may find this interesting. Others may find this really backwards or 'dated', but I believe it is still very prevalent to today, and needed in a world where moral standards are falling as fast as the Zimbabwean dollar.

Firstly we need to understand some of the reasons for teenagers not needing to be looking for love or a serious relationship in their teens:

  1. Being a teenager is learning about who YOU are....that is tough enough without another person in your life. You don't NEED another person to complete you, especially in school
  2. You are opening yourself to serious yet unnecessary heartbreak, pain and temptation
  3. You are investing in a relationship that is going nowhere. Almost zero relationships from school become more
  4. This time is to be enjoyed as being a kid. It is NOT old fashioned to wait, as years ago people were marrying at 15. Teens are fortunate now to be able to enjoy being a teen. Serious relationships will distract you from your actual tasks as a teen

Did you know that of a nationwide survey in the USA that 87% of all parents wished their kids would wait till after 16 to start dating?

Below is a graph that showed the correlation to the age one starts to date, to them being sexually active before they leave school.

And a few videos that are great tools for youngsters and adults alike.

[Vids courtesy of youtube]

As a parent to 7 kids, these things are important to me, but even more so to my kids.


Love this. Thank you. I am YW Pres. now and this can help me explain things better. Our girls are angels though and seem to have their heads screwed on right.

Ah thats a great calling! I loved working with the youth. As tiring as they can be, there is just so much eagerness to learn and energy in whatever they do!
Thank you
All the best :)

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