The Power of Positive Self-Talk: Changing Your Inner Dialogue for Success
It's not easy to change the way you think, and yet so much of our future depends on whether we can. We all have negative thoughts that hold us back from success, but with practice, you can learn to eliminate self-limiting beliefs and start thinking positively.
Self-talk is critical to accomplishing anything big. It's also the foundation of positive self-esteem and confidence, which are keys to success. In fact, many experts claim that 90% of a person's belief system is based on self-talk.
I've been practicing this process of self-talk for over a decade now, and I want to share with you the specific steps I take to train my brain to adopt a more positive mindset.
STEP 1: Think of a Time When You Had Success
We are constantly inundated by media, other people's opinions, and social pressure. So it's easy to forget how we got where we are.
But take a moment and remember an experience when you were successful. Maybe you did really well at a sales meeting, or maybe you won first prize for the school science fair. Whatever happened, remember how you felt after that success.
Now focus on the emotions associated with that memory. What was your mindset like when things were going your way? How did your thoughts feel about yourself and the world around you?
You'll be surprised how powerful those emotions still are.
STEP 2: Reflect on Your Life Now
This is the most important step, and if you skipped it, the next steps are pointless.
Reflect on your life now and ask yourself how you feel about yourself and the world around you. Do you have a clear sense of purpose? Are you experiencing challenges?
Think about the things that bring you joy and happiness in life.
And then ask yourself, how could I use my abilities and experiences to achieve these things more easily?
In short, you need to go back to step 1 and re-imagine the future, this time with the positive elements you identified in step 2.
STEP 3: Change Your Belief System
If you don't change your beliefs, your thoughts will remain the same. They are the foundation of everything you do.
Ask yourself, what does success look like to me? How can I attain it?
Take a look at the goals you listed in step 2. Then ask yourself, how am I doing to get there? What are the obstacles I'm facing?
Start thinking of the world in terms of the good things in life. Think of your achievements. Imagine your successes.
Then ask yourself, what thoughts should I be thinking when I get closer to reaching my goals?
What beliefs should I have when I finally achieve those goals?
As you practice this process over and over, you will start to develop new habits and beliefs.
In other words, you will be changing the way you think about things and the kind of people you attract.