Tokens of the week #5: Useless Ethereum Tokens, Uber's Pitch Deck & The Art of Design

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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AAAAND it’s Monday again! During the week, we consume massive amounts of content. However, often we see something that is cool and than we either forget about it or it is already replaced by the next cool thing.

For me this cool stuff is not necessarily just a cool video. It is something that either can bring some value to you and me, makes you think or wonder about something or just inspires you to do something new. It would be amazing, if you pause for a second and contemplate what was interesting for you last week and share it in the comments below. So, are you ready? Let's jump in then.

The Best ICO in the world: Useless Ethereum Token

ICOs are the hottest topic in our blockchain industry right now. The speed the initializing companies raise money and the frequency of new ICO announcements on a daily basis is breathtaking. Last week, I stumbled over this amazing experiment. A “random person of the Internet” started an ICO and raised over $100.000 with it. The clue described by this person:

You're literally giving your money to someone on the internet and getting completely useless tokens in return.

This shows that people just don’t give a s***. No one actually reads the whitepapers and there is a limited understanding on what is going on in the market. It shows that this is a gambling playground and that ICOs are just for speculations. It is becoming a huuuuge bubble.

Article I enjoyed last week: Uber’s first slide deck

How did one of the highest evaluated companies in the world convince VCs of their value. The pitch deck is a masterclass and shows how you should build your pitches. Even though it is not very nicely designed, the content is what matters. They started with the why and then went through all the facets they could disrupt a current system. The original article by Roy Mackay (not the Bayern Munich striker though) can be found here.

A Netflix show I binge: Abstract - The Art of Design

Everyday we are surrounded by beautifully designed products and services. As someone at Disruptive Elements who is trying to help clients to design great new products and services, I got absorbed by this Netflix series that features one of the most famous product designers. Check out the trailer you won’t regret it.

Quote of the week:

“Cryptocurrencies are likely the biggest bubble of our lifetime”. - Michael Novogratz, Former Fortress Principal

Again back on the crypto topic. I think the the quote says it all and shows that if we do not get this market to be more responsible, it will collapse and a lot of people will loose their money! So read and educate yourself people.

#QOTD: What did you find interesting in the last week?

Please leave a comment with your thoughts and ideas.
My series of posts is about making you think a little deeper about every day concepts. So please, if you liked it upvote this article. It would mean the world to me, really!


Twitter: @tkronsbein

Instagram: @tizian_kronsbein



Durden, T. (2017). Investing Legend Calls Cryptocurrencies "Biggest Bubble Of A Lifetime"... But There Is A Catch. In Available Here:


The ICOs are shit and people are cluelessly buying them, that's true. Abstract tho is so good !

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