EARTHSHIP BUILD IN NEPAL! Learn so you can Help me after ;)

in #life7 years ago

My Name is Prakash, I am Nepali and I hope to someday have my own place to live and share with other travelers with my own Guesthouse.  I live here at Karuna Farm in South India,  however, someday I hope to return to my ancestral land and apply everything I have learned here at the farm, there in Nepal.

There is an Earthship Build Happening in a few months I wanted to share with you all here being offered by Biotecture Planet Earth.

The Course is called Himalayan Education Center Earthship – Nepal

Here is an idea of the project from the website:

Biotecture Planet Earth, in conjunction with Earthship Biotecture, is  partnering with Cuore Attivo and Campus CreaVista to build an Earthship  for young teachers who will take life-improving sustainable  technologies to schools in some of the economically poorest valleys of  Nepal. From 16th November to 06th December 2017, Michael Reynolds’  experienced Earthship crew and a number of volunteers and local workers  will be initiating the build of an education center for up to 16 young  women who will learn sustainable technologies in order to then carry and  spread that knowledge throughout remote schools in Nepal. The building to be constructed will

– be built with natural and repurposed materials
– use thermal/solar heating and cooling
– generate solar electricity
– harvest and store water
– have its own contained sewage treatment system
– produce food
– be earthquake resistant

How to get involved:
Donate: This project is fully funded through  donations and volunteer participation fees. The more donations we  receive, the further we will be able to take the construction of the  building. All donations are tax deductable in the United States and will  go directly to production costs for this project.

– Participate: You can be a part of the Earthship  Nepal project! Help us build this school and learn from Michael  Reynold’s Earthship Biotecture crew on a ground up build! We are looking  for 50 volunteers to join us, no experience or fitness levels needed. The building session will take place from 16 November to 6 December  2017 in Khandbari, Nepal. Due to internal domestic travel times,  international flights should arrive in Kathmandu no later than 14  November and fly out no earlier than 08 December. In order to be a part of this project, you will need to pay a one-time volunteer participation fee of USD $1,500. This project is entirely funded by donations and volunteer participation fees, so you are making this project come to life. The volunteer participation fee includes:
– all learning and training from Earthship crew members, including  Q&A sessions, theory sessions, practice lessons, and a handbook on  Earthship construction.
– all meals and drinking water (three meals a day plus tea).
– a camping spot on site as well as showers and toilets. The volunteer participation fee does NOT include:
– international flights to Nepal.
– domestic transfers to site (although we are working with a local travel agent to be able to assist you with the best deals).
– visa and vaccination costs.
– camping gear.
– personal tools.
How to sign up to participate: 1. Send us an email to [email protected] with your personal details, background and reasons for signing up.

2. Pay the volunteer participation fee.
Click here to pay via transferwise with a direct transfer from your bank.
Click here to pay via paypal or using a credit card or debit card (a 5% transaction fee will be added). We will send you a confirmation email and a registration form to  confirm your payment and officially sign you up for this project. For more information or questions please email [email protected].

Sounds like a NICE PROJECT no?

Earthship in New Mexico


Africa, Sierra Leone Waldorf Earthship School


Uruguay boasts Latin America’s first green school

I have experience with Earthships also!  My friend @eco-alex has been living in India's first Luxury Eartship Home for many years now and is very happy with the sustainable lifestyle it allows him.  Water and Sunshine are all he needs and throughout the year we have that in Plenty :)

You can read about his Remarkable Journey in his unfolding series here:

The Remarkable Diary of an ecoBuilder. Part 5: A plan and vision was born

The Remarkable Diary of an Eco Builder Part 4. Finding My Spot in India at Last! The Journey Ends and Starts!

I also have a friend @ecoknowme who wrote this:

Beyond Biotecture.  The Evolution of Earthships

I would like to invite anyone interested in Eartships to explore these posts and consider attending the volunteer opportunity being offered in Nepal.  Maybe building a schoool, you might still wish to practice your skills with me if I am able to start my own project.  Stay tuned for any developments, but for now, I just wanted to share my Dream with you all here.

Thank you Very Much and hope to see you someday!

Prakash      =     @tilak

Special thank you to @wuji for helping me with this post.

Please Resteem to help me and Nepal to become more Sustainable!

Upvote if you like the idea!

Share your interest and passion with me in the comments BELOW!


Great informative post, Prakash. I am very happy to see quality content coming out of countries like India (my favourite) and Philippines ( where I have more relatives than in Germany) so people in other countries can get a firsthand, local perspective of those countries.
I am also very happy to see that the idea of sustainibility takes more and more hold in India, I believe that eartships, permaculture, renewable energy could have a big positive impact on the population of India.

Thank you very much. I shared my dream and @wuji helped to write for me. I think you are right. India has everything it needs, it only needs to use them better (rain, sunshine, resources). Everything is Possible, even more if we are sustainable!

सौ में एक सौ एक बेईमान
फिर भी मेरा भारत महान 😉
Jay Bharat!

Thank you bhaiya! All World is Great. India, Nepal I love too much.

Wow Nice Job! Hope you get to realize your Dream :)

thank you!

Best of Luck Bhaiya!

With Shiva Blessings

Cool story about earthships in South Asia. I hope you will be part of the first build in Nepal. Keep us updated about the progress here on steemit!

Thank you very much! I try my level best. I hope for more sustainable future for all people. @tilak

This is an amazing post would love to hear more, and am very interested in projects in the future, my brother will be in Nepal in a month and could use some great people to get involved with in the community.

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