Encouragement: The Dose Of Support Our World Really Needs

in #life7 years ago (edited)

It will only take you less than a couple seconds to head online and find spewing hate. The news, the posts we see, the comments we read. It’s all there. The web has become a destructive playground for those who need to hide behind a keyboard and write whatever they desire about somebody. They can tear you apart, spread filth, and in numerous cases take things to a totally new degree. A degree that only promotes hate.

Hate breeds more hate.

If you’ve ever felt it deep inside, you know exactly what I am talking about. When you harbor hate in your heart, you start hating other stuff too. While the internet is only one out of very many methods folks can deliver hate with, it does serve as a pretty clear demonstration showing how things are going in our world today. We have developed a system in which hate has the ultimate protection. Being able to hide behind a user-name almost guarantees that the comments themselves won't see the forces of liability for its actions.

In light of this just about overwhelming raging river of hate, we need to press on.


Because we should preach what we adore instead of lashing out at what we dislike.

I am really not delusional about the world. I am really not that funny guy on the news who is known in his neighborhood for being Mr. Cheerful literally 24/7. That sort of unbalanced one-way lifestyle is unhealthy for you. I have my horrible days. I have days where I find myself in a conflict between love and hate, approval and shutting off, and these are days when I go to battle. These are days when I am reminded of what I believe in. Regardless of how hard it could be.

The dose the world wishes in a unceasing drip, is encouragement and support.

Many must be encouraged for what they are doing, for failing and trying again, for giving a great effort and moving forward. It isn't about removing hate from the world, it’s about balancing it out with acts of love. The world, like ourselves, can get misaligned and thrown off occasionally. Folks will begin to see the worst of everything because truthfully, that’s what we are shown. We are continually subjected to the bad stuff. Flick on the news. Automobile crashes, 10 dead at college shooting, riots, disturbance in states all around the globe, giant coverups, violations of privacy, oil spills and nuclear meltdowns. With all this, no wonder we have a pessimistic view of what is going on.

I believe that a steady drip of love and incentive can change lives. It modified mine, so why can’t it help change others?

The ripple effect you truly can have on the world is miles beyond your comprehension in any way. Hell, I do not even know. But I have complete faith that it is going down. You can turn someones day around in a second.

Encourage those around you. You might not agree with the exact way in how they are doing it, but do not step on them for it. People need to learn their way. Frequently we’ve developed the best intentions when trying to help others, but in the final analysis, everyone has their own path to stroll. Walk with them, do not make an effort to take the rug out from under them.

Support matters.

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