Banish Negative Thinking or Thinking Positive Thoughts Easily

in #life8 years ago

One of my new Steemian friends asked me to write an article about Banishing Negative Thoughts. I promised I would - and now, @looftee my friend - I am going to break that promise. Instead of writing about Banishing Negative Thoughts - I am going to write instead about Secrets of Positive Thinking.

You see, everyone wants to be happy. When I was young I could be happy with a few friends and a couple of sticks playing some imaginary game outside. Children all around the world know how to be happy.

Let’s take stock for a moment about where we are and what we are doing.

You’re here, reading this article, with a desire to eliminate negative thinking, wanting to be happier, and the information here will help you succeed.

You see, people are able to choose how they think. People change or train their mind to think positively.

At work the other day we were talking about using quality programs, such as 6 sigma. One of our employees said “We don’t use quality programs enough”. After listening to them speak I said “Rather than look at this as not using not using quality programs often enough, let’s reframe” I then went on to say “We have many more opportunities to use quality programs to improve our business.

Is this whole article just about using positive language? Surprise…

While we are creatures of language - we are primarily creatures of thought. If you want to have more positive thoughts - you need to actively search for opportunities to express your ideas in the positive frame. When you begin to speak positively you will begin to think positively.

I wonder how quickly, you can think back to a time when you were full of positive thoughts. High School graduation? The day a child was born? When you passed a big test? Think back - take a few minutes if you need them. You were happy, secure, confident, and your thoughts were all positive ones. No doubts, no worries, just pure happiness, confidence, and positive thoughts.

Remember that time - where was it? Picture it. Who was there? You remember. Now think about their faces, their clothes, your clothes… was it warm? Cold?

What sounds were there? Talking? The hum of an air conditioner? Wind? Were there any smells? Perfumes?

Now - how does it feel when you remember?

Admit it, You Feel happy, you were Positive those are your feelings, and you can have that feeling whenever you need it.

The fact that you can remember that feeling means that you can, feel that feeling.

Can you imagine how much better your life will be once you begin using positive language and having positive thoughts - negative thoughts are a thing of your past.

When you feel a negative thought - analyze your language. How do you turn that negative thought into a positive statement?

“I’m fat” becomes “I can lose those first few pounds quickly”
“I’m ignorant” becomes “I can learn that”
“I’m shy” becomes “Once people know me they like me - time to make new friends”

What about I’m Scared?

Have you ever noticed what scared feels like?

Butterflies in your belly
Sweaty palms
Rapid heartbeat
Shallow Breathing

What does Excitement feel like?

Do I need to repeat the list? How quickly can you reframe your fear into excitement? I used to tell myself before every public speaking engagement that I was excited. I said that to myself because I was SCARED after a few times I wasn’t SCARED but instead was Scared & excited, after a few more I was scared & Excited and then - quickly - you become EXCITED.

How about I end with a Steemit example?

I could say “I’m afraid to invest in steem. I really don’t know much about cryptocurrencies. I’m worried about losing my money.”


“I’m excited to invest in Steem. I’ve got so much to learn, and there’s a whole community to help me learn. I’ve set a budget so I can invest with confidence and I can even invest more by investing my time writing articles and blogs! What an opportunity!!!”

You see - the real secret isn’t just speaking in positive words. In order to speak positively you need to THINK positively. While it appears that we are forcing ourselves to speak positively in order to think positively - we are just using the desire to speak positively to train our brains to think positively again - like we did when we were children. Positive thinking is our natural state - and we can get back to that state quickly and easily just by listening to our own speech patterns and changing those patterns - positively!

I wonder how quickly you will notice the improvements in your life once you put these secrets into use? Remember, people can do all these things, because positivity is our natural state!

Please comment, follow, and then comment again in a few days when you notice the difference in your happiness levels.


I think this could work, training Our minds to be excited about New things so that It isn't scared. I will try it and If I feel the difference, I will surely tell about it to you.

Excellent! I hope this is going well for you!

Going great.

Excellent news!

How are you doing?

I'm doing well, it is a holiday weekend here so I am taking some time to visit family and friends. I hope, you are happier today, than yesterday.

Yes a little bit.

There is an old affirmation, that is one of the best. You repeat it every morning. It is by a French psychologist and it goes like this "Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better".

Our minds control our moods, our thoughts control our actions. You get to choose how you feel.

Try this experiment. From now on, each morning, put your pants on with the opposite leg first. Make that little change. As you make that change repeat the affirmation above.

It's ok if you forget a day here, and a day there, just keep going, every day you remember. As you do this your mindset will change - both in the physicality of putting your pants on and in you mindset.

Awesome post, really well written with a brilliant message. You're so right, the only things in life we can control are our thoughts. Up voted and following you.

Thank you for the kind words - I've followed you back and look forward to your posts as well.

Thanks so much.

You are VERY welcome.

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