Approaching a Woman Successfully
You start to break soft sweat droplets out of freaking nowhere, your heart literary skips a beat, you feel your hands get sweaty and all of a sudden you can't think. I have been there. Truth be told, it still happens sometimes. Like anything else, getting good at approaching women is a skill to hone. You have to work at it. And it's hard work, hard-fun-work. The best part about it is that you get to watch yourself improve.
I suggest you record your improvements.
Approaching women is not rocket science, really. Despite our bodies obvious reactions to approaching women. It is probably the easiest thing in the world to do.
Please understand that I was nowhere near knowing how to approach women about 6 years ago. I am that guy who loves books, philosophy, python programming, block chain and everything introverted, well of course the mother of dragons as well ;]. Anyway, the only introverted thing I do is go out for beers with the same friends. I like motorbikes too, am yet to upgrade to a bigger, faster 600cc bike of my choice.
As I write this, I have more than 6000 hours of active learning to interact with women. These are the times I have gone out with my friends or alone--I like it stag sometimes, to approach women. Disclaimer: NOT EVERY WOMAN WILL BE INTERESTED IN YOU. Move on and understand that 'types' really are a THING. The next girl you meet may just be the one you connect with the most. It is all about connecting on all levels; mentally, physically and emotionally. Make the interactions about knowing people on a deeper level, however briefly.
How to approach: Step by Step Tips
i. Have a specific target.
Whom do you want to approach?
ii. Do not waste time.
The more you wait the more your anxiety builds up.
iii. Say Hello.
Remember that she is human. We all salute each other.
iv. Ask her name as soon as possible.
An exchange of names invites familiarity. You are no longer strangers.
v. Use your Environment to your advantage.
Start your conversation with the environment you are meeting her at. For instance, A park: "How come you are out today?"
Say anything that relates to your immediate environment and then lead the conversation from there.
vi. Complement her genuinely and casually.
Be sure to mention something genuine about her that you feel would be a complement. Avoid teasing at first.
vii. Ask for her contact information before you end the conversation.
Remember that you were only introducing yourself to her. Be a man and ask to see her again by taking her contact information. I SAID BE A MAN AND ASK TO SEE HER AGAIN BY ASKING TO HAVE HER CONTACT INFORMATION. In that order, express your desire to see her again and then ask for the follow up information. Got it? Good.
Understand if she thinks its too soon to give you her number. In such a case, go for her email. It is less personal and you can build up to her contact info later.
viii. End the interaction and promise to use the contact information.
I usually text immediately,
" Hey Bella, Nice to meet you. I hope that burger tastes as good as it looked. T. "
Signing the name you introduced yourself with ensures it registers with her in the text as well.