10 Brilliant Test Answers From Smartass Kids (part1)
The great thing about kids, is that they don’t have any filters and they are probably the most sincere creatures on earth. The fact that they are being so innocently honest can actually result in some of the most hysterical and amusing comments that were ever made. When kids approach different written tests, their unfiltered and non-cynical answers are even funnier than you’d ever expect. When it comes to kids, expect nothing but pure creativity. Sure, some of these kids were just being smarty pants, but some had the most honest and literate answers that it’s simply adorable.
3-Wrong Axe
4-Kinda of true.
5-Bi Polar
6-Like a Boss
7-This one's easy
9-That is legitness
10-Desert not dessert

great job @thewolfofwallst

haha thnx