in #life7 years ago

Well, unfortunately I had an abscessed tooth on friday, and had to get it pulled on Saturday. The combination of bad genes, a lot of acid in wine constantly in my mouth, and my lack of regular check-ups lead to this. I blame myself mostly. Last Friday I was eating lunch and one of my back molars started hurting pretty bad, by Saturday morning, my gums were severely swollen, and the Dentist was called. Luckily a friend knows a dentist that is open Saturday mornings, so I took the day off work to get it looked at. He said that he could possibly save it with a root canal, but no guarantee. I went for the pull and plug method. LOL!

Thankfully I was gassed up and heavily numbed, and it was a pretty quick extraction. I have to go back to get fitted for a bridge (ugh!!) next week, then a week or so longer for my fake tooth to arrive. This has left me with a hole in my mouth (luckily it's a back tooth), and a diet of soft foods for a couple of days. Nothing spicy, highly acidic, crunchy, no seeds, or temperature hot. Also, I was told not to have any alcohol. Mainly for the antibiotics I am on, and apparently it slows the healing process down. So I am officially on the wagon for a bit. I'll still be posting wine reviews from my past notes and tastings, but I'll be doing a little more wine theory and region posts instead.

The plus side is that I am on a "healthy" diet of cream of chicken soup, banana smoothies, ice cream, yogurt, apple sauce, and jello! Fortunately this will only be for a few days, until my mouth heals up, but I still have to be careful for a while. Until then, all the Blue Bell ice cream I want!!

blue bell.jpg

Please go to the dentist regularly, I promise you don't want to go through this. Well, except for the Blue Bell part!! :)


I feel a little bit bad for you, but then you showed us the ice cream and now it's really hard to keep feeling bad for you...

I hope everything works out okay and your mouth gets better soon!

Ya, the pity part ended pretty quickly when the ice cream shows up... Thank you! I hope all is well in the Netherlands!

All is well indeed! The lawn is mowed, so there are no more horrible things that await me this week (atleast not planned)!

I fell your pain, I have had two root canals. I finally figured out what was hurting my teeth and gums is fluoride. You should see what a farce this "supplement" is, just start by googling what fluoride does to concrete, you will find quite a rabbit trail. I quit using any mouthwash or toothpaste with it and have had much better dental health, less sensitivity and my gums don't recede as much and are getting better instead of worse. Unfortunately I can't get it out of the water, it would be very costly. If I could I would.

I have actually read about that before, i'll definitely do some research into it. Thanks for the info!


This wasn't my normal Dentist, when he asked what I did for a living, he just smiled and said "ahh, lots of bad teeth in the wine business." LOL!

That's a true bummer about the wine! But the ice cream looks really good, and it's on doctors orders. Even better! :)

Any time a doctor gives ice cream as a prescription, definitely take it!

Wait a second, does that mean your going to write sober now 🤣
But yea dental issues area always awful.

Sadly, one of the downfalls of doing this for a living is not really wanting to drink much when I'm off. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a glass here and there with friends and dinner, but normally I am pretty sober. I go through phases of drinking too much and not drinking except for at work. :)

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