Gratitude for the Heart
My wisdom lives in the neural network of my heart.
With every beat I hear it, so full so alive and so grateful. I thanked my heart and my wisdom this morning. I put my hand there, my energy, my intention, I traveled deep within and said out loud,
I love you and I trust you.
I felt a warmth emanating from my palms. I remembered, where there is touch there is intention, and energy. It was like being wrapped in a warm blanket, like being held by something maternal, something safe. I could feel my heart opening, expanding. I felt it from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, radiating outward, tingling with life, presence, flow. The heat in both my hands was extraordinary, and I reached out to my life partner and twin to share it, held his hand, and just cried and cried, feeling the warmth and sharing it.
Everything will be OK. Exhaustion, temporary. It will pass. Anxiety, it's just a feeling. It will also pass, and I am open to hearing what it has to tell me. I am open to the language of my soul. It's ancient, and I know it. And I am not afraid.
I do not know what my soul has in store for me. I choose strange ways to navigate the world. But I feel the trust there, and the love, the inherent wisdom from long ago and far ahead, timeless energy, ageless knowledge. Just so grateful for all the blessings of my life, especially those that were so hard to understand.
We are all in relationship. With ourselves, with others, with nature and the world. The energies that we cultivate, and that others cultivate as well. My heart is a neural network, and it is my guide. This I will remember.
"I have been a seeker, and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my soul." - Rumi
Heart-brain Image credit:
I love this line!!!! I might borrow it in a yoga class 🤗🤩🙏🕉
A beautiful post, such lovely writing. The heart is all... xxx
Thank you friend. It was an intense experience and I didn't add it in the post but I feel it had a pineal effect as well because I saw visuals shortly after the experience. Swirling colors and geometry. It's an experience I'm familiar with, despite never having taken hallucinogens in my life. A weird phenomena but something I haven't experienced for a couple years at least. The heart is the true mind, I am sure of it! Thanks so much for your comment. Use it in your class! Anyone could use this message. 🙏
this is beautiful, I also wrote a post about the heart, as the hawthorn tree is the tree of the heart. Today is a good day to open ourselves up to the universe and allow love to flow in xxx
I agree 💯 thank you so much for sharing your post with me.