You Must Be Crazy to Talk About Reality: UFOs and 'The Gods of Eden'- A Tinfoil Gospel Review

in #life7 years ago

PEOPLE: “Paul, not everything is a conspiracy!”

PAUL: “Yes-- actually, yes it is!” I would declare. The fact that a few families-- inherently owning a military and petroleum industry-- have been paying their loyal friends and enemies to infiltrate powerful governments and media outlets in order to persuade the general public to agree to ongoing wars for multiple generations, this alone suggests that, logically, everything in money and politics is absolutely a conspiracy, and it would be crazy to think otherwise.

Talking About UFOs

That big military/industrial complex conspiracy is accepted, possibly because it’s always been that way in the world, but it’s also accepted because it doesn’t get into the really wild stuff that has also been going on around Earth throughout history. Stuff like UFOs. Humans are dying to know what UFOs are all about, but aren’t really allowed to discuss it, even while UFOs have been flying around in the average Earthling’s stories and artwork for ages. This is usually where I whip out my Gods of Eden book, waving it around enthusiastically as I elaborate.


Here We Go...

Since a big famous military industry so plainly owns the media and the State, any official story that is fed to the public should be seen as some level of war propaganda. To avoid this labyrinth, it might be helpful to have a way to look back through the history of warfare on Earth, and with ‘The Gods of Eden’, William Bramley gives us exactly that. In writing a book on the history of warfare, Bramley discovered a high-tech civilization that has been tampering with the population of this planet for many centuries, starting wars and causing problems for us all. This interference goes back possibly thousands of years, and the one prominent thread linking every human conflict on Earth is these ever-tampering ‘gods’, and the constant involvement of these technologically-advanced players in the wars of Earth over many years.

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online version of The Gods of Eden in Spanish and English

The ’Everything is a Conspiracy’ Theory

According to history, starting religions which start conflicts is apparently as easy as showing up in a dazzling flying machine, or dressing like an angelic messenger bringing prophecies of doom and/or salvation to a given population of Earthlings, and these guys have evidently been doing this routine for a long time. When we Earthlings are compelled to fuss about money and religion, fights break out, people get emotional and end up creating this world of conflict which benefits none of us.

'They' Might Be Human

William Bramley's book cover may suggest an extraterrestrial source for this disharmony on the planet, but who knows? Maybe that's just what they want us to think! Maybe they are earthly humans. They could be just some Earthlings who can manipulate gravity, time, and society's mind-- they may just be time-traveling assholes who start fights and then watch the bloodshed from afar, but the good news now is, that this conspiracy that has been laying in front of us is beginning to crumble more all the time. The tools that have been used to manipulate humanity are wearing out, and we Earthlings are noticing it all now.

While this all may sound crazy to talk about, it's based on actual events and reality, and it's really just history. "Everything really is a conspiracy, is my theory." is usually what I say as I put my book away.

thanks for reading along, and 'they' don't want you to upvote or resteem this information, but no matter what they want, I'd like to hear your thoughts in the comments.



I read this book in the '90's and what a great read! The way Bramley lays it out is pretty compelling. Is there a conspiracy? You bet. To what it all entails - one can only guess or wonder. But history does give a better view about current life on this planet. And Bramley certainly lays forth an interesting view.

It's interesting too that Bramley was a historian who apparently had no interest in ufo's before researching a history of warfare on Earth. The book covers so much, it's like an encyclopedia of conspiracy facts.

While I don't think that all the evils of this world are caused by extra-terrestrial forces (greed alone can explain a lot of bad things), I'm very interested to see what this book has to say about aliens throughout history. I'll start reading as soon as I can get it on my kindle. Thanks for sharing!

Yes The Gods of Eden covers a lot of things besides ufo's, and I found an online version, the link is above in the article- the book is something that influenced my thinking about the world in general.

You know, I'm with you there, brother. People always dismiss conspiracy theories as just that--theories. But, everything has a basis, and it's just not something that could be made up. I have read about this extensively as well, talking about conflicts and religion and media washing. Everything is connected, and I think you hit the nail right on the head there.

It's just so silly to dismiss things as they are. If we dig deep enough I'm sure there are things that would seem stranger than fiction. Everything we see on the surface shouldn't be just taken at face value. I'm glad there are people out there who continually question everything, or else doubts would just be covered over time.

There is one thing that I've noticed about the system; one of it's key engines is the mind of the population itself, and lots of psychology and marketing techniques are used-- I can see now that these programs must constantly be employed against us Earthlings because our nature tells us constantly that there must be a better way to live, and we would all be able to live splendidly if we were left alone for just a little while. Without the constant programming, we would quickly remember our humanity and would revert to goodness naturally.

Yeah, you know what, I wholeheartedly agree with you. When I read history, I can't help but envy the great strides our ancestors have made, and I couldn't reconcile why we seem to be lagging behind. Hidden agendas and manipulation are a real detriment, and I keep asking myself why we let it happen. Power has a way to force itself upon the people it governs.

When all of the conspiracy stuff through history is compiled like this, I see a lot of psychological aspects to the manipulation, to the point where it appears that culturally, we not only allow the inhuman systems to continue, but a well-conditioned herd will actually defend those systems with their lives, or the lives of their children, calling it "the economy" so that everyone agrees that we need things to remain in place the way that they are, for comfort and the illusion of security.

I refer to this book a lot because not only do I consider it a must-read for anyone interested in the topic of ufo's, it also shows how long this has been going on, how it's done, and how the technology that will revolutionize everything has been kept from us all this time.

The way they do it is quite impressive actually, with all things considered. Very sustainable, as they just plant seeds, and the herd does all of the heavy lifting. We all get used to something being the norm that we forget there are other ways. Questioning what's in place just leads to ridicule and dismissal, but really enlightenment can't be achieved through closed eyes.

I have come across that before, but I don't have a copy of my own. Perhaps I'll try to swing by some bookstores one of these days to see if they have that in stock.

I've heard that even the term 'conspiracy theory' was invented to obfuscate the assassination of JFK in the 1960s, so that all incriminating ideas could be so labeled, and marginalized. I'm still surprised when anyone uses the term to ridicule an idea, but I guess it still works to poison wells of info.

Ugh! That's news to me! Man, the manipulation... those sorts of things are what I think blockchain technology could solve. The lack of transparency is just so disgusting. History is marred by all those embelishments.

Yes every mistake is indelibly lodged in the blockchain in the future. We are looking at the future here, and it feels like the kind of story with a good ending-- we humans are bound to win, with our care and creativity also being stored in the data.

Interesting post about interesting topic! But actually I don't know whether they are real or not :/ Coz I never met one :D But according to the ancient books and myths, they are real! Great review my friend! Thank you very much for sharing it with us! I never heard about that book "The Goods of Eden" before!

(My voting power is still regenerating, therefore please allow me three more days to provide 100% upvotes for your posts)


I don't know if they are real either, but I also don't know if I ever met one!

I can recommend Michael Tsarion's "Atlantis, Alien visitation and genetic manipulation." It is in book form and a 10 hour video presentation. Based on all the ancient and/or religious texts combined.

That looks good, I like Tsarion too, seems thorough in his research. Thanks for posting those, I'll check it out, don't think I've seen it.

I'd say they are human but that's besides the point. Everything is some sort of conspiracy.

I think so too, humans posing as aliens, probably.

Wow! Friend you looks like experimenting myth with reality. Everything really is conspiracy is my theory, what is that?You know, English is my 2nd language, so please describe it simple way. Any way how are you friend, wish you a great time.

It may not be simple to explain my 'everything is a conspiracy' theory, but the first thing I do is break down the English words into parts: 'conspiracy' is an English word made up of smaller Latin words, the first being 'con' which means with or together in it's usual English definition. Then we have the Latin word 'spire', which means to breath. Therefore the true meaning of the word conspiracy is; "to breath together". In modern Western culture though, the word had been gradually changed to mean something more-- it is usually meant as a way to discredit a subject when spoken in common conversation, and the word's newest meaning is, that it now suggests an elaborate, secretive plan to fool or harm a society or population. It is with such a definition that I make the claim that everything is a conspiracy, and to see what I mean by that, you may want to read the English version of the book The Gods of Eden that I linked above-- or at least read the author's introduction. The author is a historian who set out to write a book on warfare's history, but discovered some surprising connections, and the book shows where some of the most common "conspiracy theories" find their origins, while sometimes showing myth and reality to be the same.

Have a good day, and thank you for writing.

Thanks for the the reply friend.The problem is that ,I am from India, and English is my not mother tongue, so I have some problems, to understand the concept or meaning, if you use very tough words.That was the reason why I couldn't make comments on your post immediately, so please don't take it another way. My English is very simple, now I am trying to improve my vocabulary, other wise you people may laugh at me. How are you doing, wish you a very good time friend. Thanks for the reply.

I do my best to make my English understandable, and I don't laugh if you can't make sense of my writing, I'm happy to pick different words if there's confusion. Have a good day!

Thanks for the nice support from you, my dear friend it is my pleasure to hear from you. I am a simple and easy going person, so I wrote you about my feelings. Thanks for sharing and understanding me, by the way what is the time in your place? Wish you all the best for your great time,which you share with me. Thanks

@therealpaul - Yes Sire, alien might look like us too. Love your post Sire. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post Sire.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

I try not to get too caught up in the "fantastic" theories, not to say that none of them are true but it seems many of them are planted to get us bickering about whether or not the overlords are humans or aliens, nazis or globalists. If we go on a crusade to share the truth have already been caught in a trap.

I'm happy to hear out these theories and share my opinions on them though! But to me their just extra information, kind of interesting, and hopefully one day it will all be clearer. What I'm more interested in building community that is outside of "their" paradigm (whoever they are) where we are pitted against each other and goaded into believing that competition is the only way that humanity progresses, layers upon layers of programming, many of our words corrupted by mainstream culture, and corrupted differently in different places among different groups of people.

I'm not belittle your desire to research these things, and people should definitely be willing to consider the possibilities, so thanks for sharing them.

amigo #resteemia at your service

'UFO, Alien & myself' hope i'll find a good alien. won't be a part of their tests upon me. nice book & good article @therealpaul

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