the US CONSTITUTION: Document of Self-Empowerment, or Mass Mind-Control?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

It’s not that I’m ‘anti-American’, it’s just that I’m one of those individuals who doesn’t mind describing the USA logically and objectively, and without the sentimental religious attachments that often come with the territory.

Just like any belief system in which an individual pretends to give special powers to an outside entity or group, or in which a group of individuals empower an invented god or gods, the US government has become a religion, a giant cult, an organized priesthood which empowers itself with the beliefs of it’s worshippers.

The worshippers of the USA all believe in it’s ultimate power over them, and through their citizenship, the true worshipper feels that they are special and privileged compared to those who worship other religions.

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It’s called PATRIOTISM

Of course the wording makes a difference. Instead of being a worshipper, being a patriot seems more realistic, and feels more valiant and true than to be just another ‘worshipper’ of a made-up religion.

A patriot is seen as a hero, protecting everyone’s freedoms and other fantasies, willing to give their lives for those fantasies.

A patriot might cite the US CONSTITUTION as a guide to their passion, or may recite the Bill of Rights as an example of the greatness of their sect.

A patriot might better empower their government with their understanding of those writings, but perhaps the real lesson from the document is to remember a way to empower ourselves, by realizing our potential as humans.

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I read the US CONSTITUTION one time, but I came at it from a different angle than the red-blooded American patriot. Like the patriot, I did read it from a nutty, esoteric perspective, but with some understanding of the workings of the human mind, I also read it logically.

A Magical Document: The CONSTITUTION

I had a head start when I finally read the US CONSTITUTION, because I already understood that we-- us humans-- are constantly imagining the potential of what will be, and we physically ‘observe’ everything into existence. It’s just what we do. With that metaphysical dynamic in mind, I read that famous document that good Americans are supposed to adore.

As I read, I easily imagined a group of anarchists, like me, who could see through a king’s religious facade, and had refused to willingly give authority to any such presumed king or queen.

I imagined that group of anarchists recognizing where the king’s crown really got it’s power, and I recognized their awareness of their independence as being a part of nature, and not some kind of political statement.

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Further, the authors of the document seemed to be speaking of something that I had studied in metaphysics; that we are all divine beings, and that we don’t need to assign authority to any outside force, because the force of the universe is pouring through us all right into the world, every second, and together, we the people, are even now creating something entirely new, all the time.

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It’s not so much a magical thing as it is physics, or is simply a physical thing.

It’s not an exclusively American thing, it’s a human thing. It's a simple reminder that everything is a consciousness thing.

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How I Read It

According to the US CONSTITUTION, there is no authority, no king or queen that is greater than human consciousness, and this was true according to my own alternative studies in the relationship between the mind and the physical world. I easily related the CONSTITUTION to my general philosophies on our mind/body connections, placebos and hypnosis, mass mind-control-- all that kooky stuff.

Mass Co-creation

Reading the CONSTITUTION, I was reminded of the teachings of a famous magi, who suggested that when three or more people are gathered on a single idea, then the idea is more likely to precipitate into reality. The exact quote eludes me, but the founding document of the United States seemed to be suggesting something similar; that individuals could imagine something besides what the king recommended that they picture for themselves, and those individuals could unite with that idea and make it so.

It’s not even magic, it’s physics, where the universe is only a potential universe until an observer is there to act as a conduit for reality to enter, and when there are multiple observers doing actions which change the physical world around them, all agreeing on a single idea, then that single idea has a very good chance of becoming part of reality.

When I read the US CONSTITUTION, I was empowered as I recalled the amazing potential that we all share, and how we can increase that power when we all are focused on something.

When I read it, I was thoroughly impressed that the old Founding Fathers were writing about that kind of occulted knowledge, and using it to free their minds and eventually to free themselves and others during that generation from the violence and false authority of a crown, consciously making themselves their own rulers.

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How I Was Supposed to Read It

I will probably be told that I misread the document, and that I don’t understand my own government.

I was supposed to believe that any feeling of empowerment that I may have experienced had been delivered by the document itself, and that the surge of reality that was passing through my physical body at that moment of realization of my own power was not actually mine, but was endowed upon me by the magic of Americanism, and that I was feeling the Federal glory of national pride.

I was supposed to give thanks that the CONSTITUTION had given me my rights, and that without it’s spell of protection, I would certainly have tyrants ruling over me.

I was supposed to believe that I had been delegated some security through the words of the Bill of Rights, and that no evil could happen to me if I was a true American who believed in that magical document.

A true American skips right over the self-rulership, self-empowerment, and any lessons in metaphysics that the CONSTITUTION might offer.

Indeed, the modern American doesn’t bother to read those boring parts, and goes straight to the Amendments to that document. (Amendments, added on later because it turned out that few wanted to be their own kings, and most people only wanted kings that were less oppressive than the one they’d fought to get away from) "The Bill of Rights is what gives us our freedoms today" is the belief, as if written words could offer such a thing in reality.

I should rejoice, that a single document can protect so many people from tyranny, simply because it it written down, and we needn’t fear the oppression of evil rulers as long as that document’s words are sacred, which of course I’m expected to believe that they are, simply because America.

Collections of Trigger Words

Outside of the USA, the US Government seems to be made of bombs and bullets, but it seems that within the USA, the US government is made mostly of catchy slogans and trigger words.

Notice the trance-like feeling that comes up when these words are uttered:

  • American

  • Rights

  • Freedom

  • Liberty

  • Justice

  • Equality

  • Constitutional

Scatter these words into a dialogue, and the well-conditioned American’s eyes will take on a distant stare, and they need hear no more after the triggers have been pulled. Each of those words have meanings of their own, but those words have become meaningless reminders of the dull days of school in the USA, the indoctrination camps where civics is taught to the unsuspecting children, where the true meaning of words is buried under boring repetition and propaganda.

With the supernatural powers that we are all born with, it's no wonder that the children are taught to give that power away at a young age.

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There’s Magic, and Then There’s Sorcery

Magic is everywhere. We are all magi, always speaking, drawing and painting the world around us with our command over great mind-fulls of chi constantly swirling into what is. Magic is what happens when we are i magi -ning, and we are imagining all the time.

Knowing this science well, a sorcerer might mislead others, and can simply give a group or a population a thing to imagine and to fear, letting that group believe that they are imagining something of their own design, and thereby emotionally tricking the congregation into creating something that only further empowers the sorcerers. By letting a subject believe that the world that is being created is agreed upon and is their own idea, the sorcerer interferes with the will of individuals.

Such interference with the will of another involves the use of people's common creative magic just like every individual uses every second, but to covertly use someone else’s will to create what one desires is known as dark magic, or black magic, and the power of such sorcery can be seen as the population of the USA creates things like war while insisting that they would prefer peace.

Spell bound, the faithful American willingly delegates all of their power over to madmen, and then will wallow in hopelessness as those madmen wage war on the rest of the world. With their votes, the American says ”I approve of this behavior, and I support these murderous criminals” while at the same time claiming to be unable to stop the insanity that they are perpetuating with that vote.

The Group Mind- Mass-hypnosis and Psychology

A population of people has a mind of it’s own. This ‘group mind’ can be shaped and manipulated with words and images, and can be herded using emotional prods and propaganda.

Individual humans-- those potent generators of reality-- rarely dream of invading their neighbor’s homes, but the collective mind of the group can be made to cast a perceptual mirage, a false version of reality, and under the dull drone of media, a hypnotic trance is induced on the group’s mind.

Having collectively given their own real authority over to a false god called the US Government, trusting that the USA is the greatest country on Earth, the population of the United States inadvertently creates a world that is not really suited for them, or anyone else.

Believing that their Constitutional Republic, or what is now known as “Our Democracy”, is the finest version of civilization yet, the average citizen of the USA ignores anything that doesn’t fit with that notion, and justifies anything that is obviously evil by chanting some popular slogan, saluting the flag, and praising the troops.

Remembering Freedom and other sentimental words, while being comforted by the familiarity of the red, white and blue, the individual humans who live in the USA needn’t think about it further.

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Patriotism, or Religious Enchantment, versus Reality

I’m not anti-American. I only point out the similarities between patriotism and blind religious enchantment, and how they are essentially the same, as a way to gain new perspective on politics and civics.

For those who don’t live in the USA, or have never been to the country, it may be surprising to find out that the United States is full of humans, just like any other patch of land. These are the same humans who will risk their own lives to help strangers, and will give freely to those who are in need, just because they are human.

They are the same humans who dare not insult another’s beliefs out loud, finding ways to cooperate with those who are different, and giving a warm smile to those who’s culture has peculiar customs, and as long as there is no harm done, then these people here get along with one another most of the time.

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The Media versus Reality

Watching the media’s version of America is quite different than being immersed in the center of the country like I am here. If you are gauging the quality of the people of any country or region by the news or mainstream internet, the true humans of Earth will not be included in the broadcasts.

I live right in the middle of the United States, and I hardly ever meet any bad people. They certainly must exist, but most people here, like anywhere else, are just humans, and most of us humans are not violent by nature. Most of us actually want to get along with each other, and we are a well-armed society.

Living in this area is just like when I lived in New York City, when I was surrounded by New Yorkers, yet everywhere in the City of New York, I met humans from all over the world. The City is a diverse bunch of humans, just like here, only stacked taller.

The Decentralized Government

Regardless of laws or government’s intervention, humans voluntarily coordinate their lives every day, and the parts of society that we see in reality are the anarchistic tendencies of humans in normal life. Most don’t need an authority telling them what is right or wrong, what rights they have or don’t have.

Most people in the USA don’t vote. While the media always suggests that we do encourage the criminal parasite class with our votes, most of us really don’t. The whole system of elections has always been a TV show, and most Americans can't stand that show, and don't watch unless forced to.

We would actually get a lot more beneficial things done as a society if it weren’t for the news and public broadcasts always butting in with the threat of governance, but fear is the tool of the tyrant, and with fear, the group mind can easily be persuaded to continue acting like the United States really is built to suit us, or that is “Of the people, by the people, and for the people.”

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We really manage this thing pretty well with our organic systems of trade and voluntary cooperation, and we could do a lot more without the interference of Federal control-freaks always nosing in. Anarchism is what is usually going on in any society, naturally.

As for that old document; if you decide to read the US CONSTITUTION at any time, know that the document is actually about you, and not some faraway country like the District of Columbia or any other sorcerous device that depends on our power. It is about your creative ability, and how that ability is amplified when others envision the same thing as you.

The document isn’t meant for Americans, it is to be used by humans who may have forgotten how potent they really are, and can serve as a reminder that we, the humans, are in charge of this thing that we call life on Earth, and we always were in command of what the world is to be.

Give credit where credit is due-- it was all you, all along.

all images above thanks to Wikimedia Commons


click @therealpaul for more


Catchy trigger words indeed. Once upon a time I was an exemplary member of this statist religion, feeling everything I had been programmed to feel. Now the words create quite the opposite feeling, much like christianese (saved, believer, praise-the-lord, sinner, conviction, heaven, hell), I want to run in the other direction (preferably into the woods or some other natural place) when they're used, something in me relating them to a prison I want no part of. But I do realize that if not for the programming, the connotations of those words you wrote would be very different.

It is exactly the same program, fear-based or trauma-based programming, done on a mass scale. Oh yes, I was nearly a hard-core nationalist, and then thought I should be a Constitutionalist or something like that, but then I read the thing, or misread it, and for a while there I carried a little pocket Constitution around, hoping for the chance to show someone how powerful they really were. It must have been about 2003, I actually called the Alex Jones show to tell him what I'd discovered, thinking that I could get my voice out to thousands if I could explain how WE were the actual power source for all the corruption etc. Alex cut me off (surprise!) and yelled, "That does it, I'm going to come back from break and read the Declaration of Independence," and he went to commercial. When he came back, he actually read a lot of it, but I was talking about a profound way to view the Constitution, not the Declaration of Independence, and as he hijacked my excitement and cut me off, I was not able to get my message out to anyone that day. After that, I'd become an anarchist, but I had also begun to wonder what that Jones fella was all about...

"As for that old document; if you decide to read the US CONSTITUTION at any time, know that the document is actually about you, and not some faraway country like the District of Columbia or any other sorcerous device that depends on our power."
I really liked that.

Yes, it's the same creative power, but we can keep it in the community instead of sending it away.

I think the original plan was limited government and thus was self empowering. However as the government grew out of control, the over sized monster became mass mind control, particularly the past 100 years. Blessings @therealpaul

Maybe so, it was years later when I learned that most of those guys were freemasons. With all the use of symbology in it's structure, the Federal .gov in DC looks like a mind control device at a casual glance.

this is a great life, I like to read your amazing writing, thank you for sharing a life story, hopefully you always success yes.
I will upvote and restem

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