Shabbat Shalom! 2-27-2021

in #life4 years ago

For such a time... to repent.
Our Heavenly Father shows mercy and grace to those who turn from their rebellion to His Way and choose to walk in obedience.

History repeats itself, repeatedly. The world hates our Heavenly Father. The world hates His chosen people. The world hates the true Messiah our Heavenly Father chose to send into the world. The ones who choose to worship and obey our Heavenly Father and keep the testimony of the true Messiah are those who the world wants to destroy. Multiple times in Scripture different kings and nations attempted to annihilate the children of the Most High Elohim. And multiple times when His children repented of their wicked ways and returned to our Heavenly Father's Way, He saved them.

We have examples of individuals as well as entire nations repenting and being saved from destruction. In the book of Jonah, we even see a whole nation (not Israel) repenting and turning to worship our Heavenly Father. Mercy was shown to them as well.

Persecution from the enemy for being a child of the Most High Elohim is inevitable, and none of us are excluded. But sometimes when we humble ourselves, cry out, and ask for help, He works in amazing ways to help.

Stop rejecting His Way. Repent from sin. Stand against evil, wherever you are.
For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for His people from another place, but you and your family may perish. Yet who knows whether you have been placed where you are for such a time as this?

Our Heavenly Father's Way alone is Truth and brings Life.

Your Life Matters!
Choose Truth. Choose Life.

Enjoy our God-given day of rest!
Shabbat Shalom (Sabbath Peace!)

Shabbat Shalom 2-27-2021.png

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