Numerology, Master Numbers and Psychic Abilities

in #life7 years ago

I never really used to be a believer in horoscopes or anything of the sort until a few years ago when a friend convinced me to do some reading. What I did begin to notice is that characteristics, behavioral patterns and even life decisions and paths did sort of intersect with the time of year person was born. Numerology is somewhat similar to this but more detailed.
Every once in awhile, from my experience, in public places I'd encounter individuals who were either going through epileptic seizures, trance-like behavior, even trances in which the individuals made reference to the presence of spiritual entities or people who can through intuitive summoning reference future occurrences. As a child and even some in adulthood the most natural reaction to these encounters, firstly through lack of knowledge on the issues, is one of fear.
Two days ago I went to visit a friend. There were four of us as males who were present and overtime the discussion ranged from business ideas, to events in history, current affairs- the likes. All this while we had a few sodas and smokes. Regular day right? Not for long. One of the guys apparently had a dispute with someone and was still pretty pissed about the situation. He recalled this as if from thin air and began a rant which slowly escalated. From the porch the street just outside the gate he paced back and forth venting at the top of his voice. Of course, us other three were a bit puzzled at first but as he went on we slowly put the pieces together. Shirtless, walked right past us and into his room which we could see from just outside and just stood there throwing his hands in the air still ranting. Try as we might to discuss other stuff we really just couldn't, the discussion just somehow ended up at his ranting again as we were barely audible above his rants. He was still inside, back was turned to us and by this his pants had somehow dropped to his ankles- he continued. He kicked them off and before long there was silence and he was laying on the bed before him. Arms outstretched and legs apart, he lay on his back clad in a shorts.
I thought he had fallen asleep when he got up again and started trowing stuff around in the room, tearing posters from the wall, only this time he was quiet. When he couldn't get a hold of anything else, he grabbed one end of the bed and tossed it over then stormed outside. Past us and into the yard he stood there, silent. Before long he dropped his shorts to the ground walked back onto the porch (naked as day by this), took a pencil up and started jamming it into his arm. We were confused as shit! Sorry maybe I really shouldn't speak for my other two friends but I had no idea what was going on! He the broke the pencil and tossed it outside and proceeded to take up a nearby scissors. By this I was horrified wondering if he would repeat the damage he tried to inflict on himself with the pencil. However he broke the scissors and just tossed it outside doing the same to just about anything he could find. One of my friends began to question his actions especially since he was fully naked but there was a dead stare in his eyes as if we were almost looking right through him.
He walked around the house and continued to break glass bottles and just about anything he could get his hands on. Fearing that things could get dangerous for us we decided to leave.
About three or so hours later, by this it was evening we saw him and he hardly had an explanation it seemed, suggesting that he perhaps had blacked out. Absolutely no recollection it seemed of the earlier events.
This got me and one of my friends that was at the scene talking. He recalled a previous events in which a female in the community in which he previously lived would assume trance like states, making reference to demons and other spiritual entities. On one occasion in particular, his mom, aunt, sister and himself had to restrain the girl as she became entranced and frantically tried to escape there restraints, screaming her lungs out, making reference to spiritual entities around her. She managed to grab onto the grill at the room window and as they attempted to pull her from it, she held onto a window pane and broke it. There was blood and glass everywhere and her hand was severely cut.. As my friend tells me in a matter of seconds it was as if the glass was never broken and her hand was never cut as she continued her screaming and they tried helplessly to restrain and calm her.
Lacking understanding, there would be many possible negative assertions and assumptions in the a fore mentioned situations. However what mental state have individuals assumed when stuff like this happens? What exactly are they feeling, doing or even communicating with?
He had done some numerology readings and so the situations interested us even deeper. He sent me some links and we toyed with the concepts of lifepaths and master numbers. I'll introduce you to that before making the connection.
Your lifepath is your life purpose, or spiritual job description in this body. It comes from adding up your DOB left to right (e.g. for someone born on 4 August 1961, we add 4+8+1+9+6+1 = 29/11). Individuals with the Life Path number 11 are very intuitive, in fact it is the most intuitive of all numbers. They are sensitive and have a great understanding of others, and can sense a great deal about what is going on behind the scenes. For example, they will pick up on people's relationships and health without being told anything. They are here to use their gifts of intuition, and sensitivity to help others. Life path of 11 has the qualities of the number two magnified. If you have this number you are spiritually aware, a visionary, inspiring, charismatic, inventive, a dreamer, idealistic, and a deep thinker, and you rely on faith rather than logic to deal with the life and all it has to offer. Numbers 11, 22, 33, 44 etc are Master numbers. As Sarah Yip suggests, master number lifepaths are PSYCHIC whether they admit it or not. They are particularly good at mediumship due to their large emotional field/ aura. PSYCHIC even adds to 38/11 in numerology, as do words like GYPSY, PERSONAL GROWTH, FIRE, LIGHT, ABUNDANCE, RICH, ENERGY, HEALING and ENLIGHTENMENT. Can you see the pattern? 11s are here to light up the world but they have to be careful not to burn out. It’s about being a doorway, not a doormat.
-11 correlates to Uranus (related to eccentricity and futuristic thinking) and the Moon (reflective and dreamy energy). People with 11’s are similar to Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Aries star signs in astrology (the latter applied if they have a lot of 1’s in their DOB).

-They see repeating numbers like 11:11, 111, 222, 333 when they are ready to wake up to their life purpose .

-Pros of being an 11:
High energy, mentally and physically creative, independent, incredible stamina, charisma, drive, ambition, love people, are humanitarian, natural counsellors, advisors and diplomats. Bring people together for causes. Good at manifesting miracles and often protected from danger. May believe in other dimensions and have a connection with outer space

-Cons of being an 11:
Prone to addictions, workaholism, notoriety (Shane Warne, Paris Hilton and Madonna I’m talking about you!), nervous exhaustion (from over-using intuition/ not relaxing), can form or join cults, often have a difficult childhood, tend towards split personalities, perfectionism, fantasising, can be impractical and stubborn. Must exercise daily or they get frantic and put on weight or feel mentally overwhelmed. Prone to allergies and digestive sensitivities.

The challenge for Elevens is to not be overwhelmed by their gifts. Fears and phobias would be the downside of this number. They may also seem at times indecisive, impractical, nervous, and moody. The number 11 life path is concerned with spiritual illumination. Often a number 11 will have an instinctive understanding of metaphysical matters. Because Elevens are also Twos, , they have the strength to finish what they start. 11 is also a good number for forming partnerships … you work and play well with others. You are likely to marry young and be committed and faithful for your entire life.

Psychic Readings
Numerology, Palmistry, Tarot and Clairvoyance
by Sarah Yip

Master 11 Lifepath Numerology – The Pros and Cons of being a Spiritual Messenger
by Sarah Yip


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