'' How to Create Fabulous Female Friendships ''

in #life7 years ago

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Hi, Steemians

Remember when your ex-boyfriend broke your heart, and your best friends rescued you from utter despair by whisking you away to an all - ladies Boracay getaway? No? Well. were not surprised. For many of us, our fantasy 24/7 friendships are as much an illusion as that strictly designer only closet you have been daydreaming of since you were 16. The truth is, once you're out of school it's hard to have that kind of total access to your friends.

You may still meet your college roommate for pasta sometimes, but if she's now a corporate lawyer, she won't be nightclub hopping until dawn like the old days. and that best pal who was always your plus -one at parties? if she falls in love, then you'll probably be making solo appearances at future festivities. and lastly, it's hard to do a spur of the moment, gossip and margarita session when your best bud has just moved to another continent!

It's harder to find those moments, namely because staying up until 4 am and still making it into the office by 8 am is BRUTAL.

If you're wondering where you're besties went, then check out these FABULOUS NO-FAIL STRATEGIES for getting more girlfriend time in your life.


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  • whether you love reading, cooking or rock climbing, find a group of like-minded gals and have a STANDING date. the important thing is that your meetings are regular and repeated. That's how those rock-solid- bonds form. You could meet to watch a TV show. It doesn't have to be a big deal, so long as it's a REGULAR thing.


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  • In some ways, making new friends can be harder than MEETING men. after all, you can always meet guys in bars or online dating sites. to find new gal pals, sign up for classes or volunteer org. So many friendships begin with a COMMON interest. like for example,

A Yoga or aerobics class might be great a figure, but its tough to connect with other students when you're spending the entire 55 minutes starring at an instructor.

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Becoming a leader in a volunteer or community group. If you're active on committees, you'll be spending time with the same group of people and you'll get to know them better.


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  • Whether it's skyping with your best friends from school or daily check into a social networking site, technology makes it easier than ever to stay in touch . with a few keystrokes, you can connect with your best pal from grade one and listen to your college roommates new band. but strike a balance between interacting with your 1,000+++ internet friends with face meetings with the flesh and blood kind. it's all about '' Balance''. it makes connecting with friends so much easier.


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  • Metting up in bars and restaurant is great, but for a truly epic bonding session, cook a meal for five of your favorite friends. It's just more fun to have dinner at someone's home than at a restaurant. It doesn't have to be an expensive thing, getting a group together. You could have an outdoor barbecue or a potluck.


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  • Sometimes friends disappear for reasons we don't understand. They may blame it on crazy schedule or massive pressure at work. Sometimes the girl who says '' she's just really busy '' is blowing you off. But sometimes she really is time- crunched. If you're friend is starting out in a super- intense career, like medicine or law, she may be scrambling to find to eat and shower. Show her you understand by meeting her at times and places that are easy for her. like the cafe outside her office. or maximize your together time with a double duty activity. like an exercise class. Friendship can survive these periods, She will come up for air eventually.

It doesn't matter if you're too busy with work or she's moved out of the country. My keep in touch tips guarantee a rock-solid bond with your gal pals.

So what are you waiting for? Spend time with your girlfriends now !

Best regards,

Thank you for reading Steemians ...... until next time... Salamat ka.ayo <3

I am excited to hear your thoughts just comment down below...


Truly, true friendship is outside our monitors' screen.

thank you @morken, Yes! I agree with you. true friendship exists in outside world. :)

yey! im excited to meet my friends this weekend,thank you for the tips😊😊

thank you @orhem. Yes! it's nice to be with them during weekend :) Enjoy your weekend !

nice post @thefairlady...upvoted

thank you @steeman220 for always supporting me . Keep steeming :)

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