How To Overcome The Gravity Pull Of Life Sucking Habits?

in #life6 years ago

We all know that our character, basically is a composite of our habits what we repeatedly do.

"Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character, sow a character, reap a destiny," the maxim tells us.

Habits are the most powerful factors defining our life because they are consistent, most of the time are unconscious patterns. They are expressing our character and we are as effective or ineffective according to our so long developed habits.

Habits are like cables which we keep on weaving everyday and soon the time comes when it becomes almost impossible to break them. We become victim to our habits. Although habits can be learned and unlearned but that requires a tremendous commitment.

When astronauts lift-off, they have to break out the tremendous gravity pull of the earth. Most of the energy is spent in the first few minutes of the lift-off than used over the next several days journey of astronauts in the space. If they can't beat the gravity pull, they are unable to go out in the space. The same is true with habits. Habits also have huge gravity. This gravity functions in the form of tendencies such as procrastination, impatience, criticalness or selfishness. These kill our effectiveness and we feel helpless. But with a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives this gravity pull can be broken. The problem here is that most of the people do not know about it or admit it.

The "Lift-off" requires a herculean effort , but once we break out of the gravity pull, a whole new dimension of freedom is opened in our lives. Like in physics we have been taught that the static friction is always more than kinetic friction. When the vehicle just starts moving it wants more energy but after few distance the kinetic friction comes into picture and we can run it very smoothly.

Only the beginning phase of breaking the habits is tedious and people wanna change the habit which has been developed over the past years in few days , so they become depressed and feel like a slave to their destiny. But if they keep on trying a little bit day by day, they will be moving growth which is not very obvious in the starting. But in the end, they will see the change and come out of the habits they want. Just bear the initial pain and trauma, all will be good in the end.

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