IDEA ECONOMY MENTAL MODELS: checking your assumptions

in #life8 years ago (edited)

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We all try to navigate life in this complex world by making decisions, big and small, based on assumptions on how things work.
Through my work in safety, which is about how complex systems can fail, I became more and more interested in the rules that govern complex systems.

There are a lot of lessons from complex systems that apply to day to day life, which is about forming part of the biggest complex system: the world economy and society. If you want to or not, everything is connected and increasingly so.

Complexity is constantly rising in our society, things are constantly and dynamically changing.
The result is that what worked before, is not guaranteed to work in the near future.
Like in safety, in life failure can happen if you don’t check your assumptions before you make your decisions.

First symptoms:
As we saw with the 2008 financial crisis already, the basic assumptions about what we are supposed to do to have a "successful" life in the developed world have been proven to be more and more faulty. Increasingly these assumptions will stop working in developing countries too, but there is probably a delayed action at work.

In this article I'd like to check some of the big assumptions most of us hold
Best way I guess is to work chronologically:

As a kid, you have to go to (primary and high) school, get good grades. It will be good for ya, promise!

Why? We assume school knows what is best for kids now to prepare for the future.
Actually school is built for a different era and the knowledge you learn is not relevant anymore.

Since knowledge itself is ubiquitous through Google etc., being knowledgeable is not an advantage anymore in itself.
What makes you valuable in the near future is what you can DO with your knowledge.
On your resume the things that will matter more and more are concrete things you have DONE and can DO in the future, what you can CREATE.
Time and money you spent in an institution to get that piece of paper with your degree on it will matter less and less.
In fact you can access most respected university courses on the internet for FREE.
A motivated person can probably zoom through all that in a YEAR. Check out Google’s Nano degrees

The assumption that you are valuable only when you are good in participating in this education system, leaves out a significant portion of kids who don't fit in this system.
They think they are worthless as a result, because they don't function well in a school environment.
Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

In fact they might have attitudes that make them extremely well positioned for the future.
Not being burdened with a school education will force them to find other ways to participate in the idea economy. Provided they start DOING and CREATING instead of playing video games of course.

After school, go to college: get a degree it will get you a good job!

This was a tried and true recipe, but now there is a surplus of graduates, and serious academic inflation is happening.
The Return On Investment of a degree stops making sense.
The time and money students spend on getting a degree is INSANE. This is the biggest Ponzi scheme going and will soon implode.
Once some clever Tom figures out a way to solve the certification system, there will be a great University cull, a lot of them will become obsolete and have to close shop, because (good) professors like Jordan Peterson will figure out that Universities no longer are the only viable way to be paid to teach !

Hmm, could certification be something to be solved by a Blockchain approach? Sounds like it doesn't it? A proof of work system for your studies, verified by the Blockchain, doesn't sound bad now that I think of it. Better than a piece of paper which can and is faked often!

Second college assumption, college teaches what a professional needs to know,.
In fact in some degrees, the very nature of what they learn is obsolete, because of serious lag between progress
and writing textbooks. By the time textbooks are made, they are obsolete and then Universities keep using them for a loong while.
In most cases what you learn from your professors is what they learned during their education. So the knowledge can be 30 years old! This can be a serious problem in a rapidly changing world.

After college, If you get a "good job"" (somehow). Start climbing that corporate ladder

The assumption here is that promotion to more responsibility and money is almost automatic. If you just work hard and put in the time.
In fact there is a huge trend of "flattening" corporate hierarchies and outsourcing which makes middle management increasingly obsolete and to costly.
The ladder itself is disappearing because managers are a costly necessity.
They are not particularly productive other than generating paperwork which in most cases can and will be automated or outsourced. That means that "entry level" job is as far as many people will go... Promotion is becoming ever and ever scarce unless you can prove you are valuable through what you CREATE. Simply keeping your chair warm is going to be a less and less effective strategy to get ahead.

Then, with a "good job", and hence "steady" income it is time to "invest" in real estate

Multiple booby traps here:
No job can be considered "steady" anymore.
Housing value has become wildly unpredictable and instead of an investment, it can become an anchor which stops you from being able to adapt to changing job markets.

Few knowledge economy professionals will recognize that the above are not merely bumps in the road.
They assume that things will "go back to normal".
The above assumptions are becoming rapidly obsolete and are symptoms of what is changing and how fast things are changing. There will be no "normal" anymore.

Exponential change

The nature of this change is very particular, called exponential change, and the human brain is ill suited to recognize the rate of change. We are used to see linear patterns in our life and in nature which are steady progressions, e.g. put in x amount of hours get y amount of result.

This makes sense if you are working a field to get a crop or producing widgets but stops making sense when you are talking about information technology. To understand exponential change, try to answer the following question:

If you would fold a piece of paper in half 50 times (which you physically can't) how high would that piece of paper be?
If you don't calculate the mathematical function, your brain is very unlikely to be able to estimate that actually the height of the paper will reach 3/4 of the distance to the sun.

But in fact that is what is happening to technology, the rate of progress in computing is called "Moore's law" which states that the performance in transistor technology doubles or cost halves for the same performance, roughly every 18 months (that will last at least until 2023).

This means for instance that there are more transistors (and hence processing power) in your Iphone than in a 1990's NSA supercomputer. With a doubling every 18 months, a device in 2023 will not be merely 5 times more powerful, it will be 32 times more powerful than in 2016, all things being equal.

Not only are they becoming more powerful, for the same performance, they are getting exponentially cheaper, you can now buy a smartphone in India for 4 dollars (that was a scam, look at this South African smart phone for USD 30 ) which has roughly the same functionality as the first Iphone.
Of course it is not great if you compare it to modern standards. But that is not the point!
This progress will enable billions of people to have unlimited access to information and communicate with each other. It will also allow them to participate in things like more and more.

Things aren't equal to the world even 10 years ago. Even a basic smartphone can use the ecology of mobile software, which dictates what you can do with this hardware. Even having only a first gen Iphone now is much more valuable than having one 10 years ago because you can do so much more with it!

get a free university level education through a MOOC or Khan academy,
get better prices for your goods through on-line market places,
figure out how to improve your crops or make them pest resistant through low cost field designs
figure out how to build an open source 3D printer or production equipment which allows you to make other stuff....

Google, Facebook and SpaceX are all working frenetically to connect the entire world with 1 Megabit connections from the sky.
That means that we go from 3 Billion people on the Internet to 5 maybe 7 billion in 2020.

Again an exponential function is in play here, the value of a network is not merely linear, it is the SQUARE of the people connected to it, that means that the

inherent value of the internet itself will exponentially increase. The value of will increase with it by the way /

E.g. your clients for your writing will not only be US based, they can come from India, China, or just as well live on a Bolivian mountaintop!
Imagine a world through AI which would eliminate the language barrier completely, you might get competition from the most unlikely places, but you will also find customers in the most unlikely places!

So check your assumptions, probably you still have some that are based on what worked before. Will it work in the future?
Have you figured out which other of your life's assumptions are obsolete? Please share, you are not alone:
Here is a list of experts who made bad assumptions:

Some of my other articles:
The reason why I want to build a platform on Steemit and why you should too: THE IDEA ECONOMY

The real driver for's + STEEM's value: paying creators directly /

]My new article about the broken education system and how you can fix your learning](


Excellent article, I've read other papers like yours, I am still gathering data and trying to find a place for myself in the future. That's why I am here on Steemit.

We'll figure it out together as we go! Checking our assumptions of course... ;)

That's part of my Buddhist practice, easy to say but difficult to do!

by the way do you happen to remember the other papers? Would love to read them!

I'll see what if I can find them!

This is view is what I cut my baby teeth on..

On Buddhist Economics as a Science of Right Livelihood

"Good economic decisions are those based on an awareness of the costs on the individual, social and environmental levels, not just in terms of production and consumption. These economic decisions are kamma. Every time an economic decision is made, kamma is made, and the process of fruition is immediately set in motion, for better or for worse, for the individual, for society and the environment."

thanks for that! will have a look, browsed it but realized it needs a bit of concentration to get through!

Yeah, I have to read a couple paragraphs at a time and put pieces like this down and think about what I've read. It's a thick read but he opened my eyes to our systems abuse and manipulation. Trying to think about a new system, take block chain and Steemit for example. I see we are building old social models ontop of new technology because we can't imagine anything else. To get everyone on a new social model with a new view and no victim conditioning would be difficult. The controllers know this, they use, war, famine, terror, and chaos to move the masses and this has work for them for thousands of years.

I don't know how a large population can change from trauma based conditioning to a new free market model, we would end up running back to the older model of control and abuse because it's a known quantity. The unknowns freak us out too much to change.

That's why I am here as well.

Glad to hear it! Hoping to figure it out together!

Great post! I have been telling a lot of young people these same things. I got a bachelors of music degree in 2005, but in reality I could do what I'm doing without a degree. Plus, I wouldn't have had 20K in student loan debt. The new economy is definitely here, but it still seem the majority doesn't realize it

I think that is the big problem, if you think about it, music is probably the last thing you should be learning in a school setting.
I love Derek Sivers' story how he basically blasted through Berklee's curriculum with some clever hacks he has a great post about it:
There’s no speed limit. (The lessons that changed my life.)
Thinking about Derek's post now, that one is also about assumptions people hold: why does an education need to last 3 or 4 years, I love how he says "the standard pace is for chumps..."

the way the whole concept of school is designed basically kills creativity:

Awesome, I'll check it out

found the video of Derek Sivers too, great guy! Will cover him too I reckon:

You were right. This one was good too. I marked the other one for my boy ( hes 8) I get so mad about all the time of his he wastes in school during the years of his life when hes most capable of learning new things. But this one Im gonna have him read me 1st. It was better. And thanks for reminding me about TED. I havent been there in about a year now. My other boys less than a year, so I spend my time watching Dave and Ava. I do like Dave and Ava, but its nice to shift back to adult mode.

I think especially when it comes to education people need to think long and hard about the default choices.
It was shocking to me that a guy like Jordan Peterson (who taught at Harvard) is saying, don't send your kids to university, at this point it is doing more harm than good!

I'm glad to see people commenting on some of your 5SBD posts. I was beginning to think that maybe your posts were going into a memory hole and no one was seeing them.
I haven't figured out why you are not getting more up votes etc. This is not a criticism , just an observation; Are your posts to long? I don't know, but I really think you should be seeing more traffic. Maybe slow and steady wins the race?
I don't think there were any comments on this when I first read it, and I was planning on coming back and commenting on it, but got sidetracked on other things, I was even thinking about what I was going to comment on...
My bad @the-traveller with 2 l's it is your who moved the cheese post I see it only has 3 comments. I will revisit and comment, if I don't get sidetracked.


Thanks so much for the support ! I enjoy writing them and you might be correct in that they run a bit long. I decided to get out of my own way and just get it on paper. Over the years I have often thought to write it down but there is so much I never knew where to start.
The writing might be a bit too raw and unfocussed, with too many ideas in one post.
I might need to tighten up the editing. I can simply redo some of the earlier ones and break them up, format a bit better and find some good pix.

The comments are super important for me now because I need to figure out which ideas connected so I am work those out and crystalize the messages. I am only at it 2 weeks and I see good trends and earnings aren't spectacular yet of course but going the right way. I am hoping with the comment contests to generate virtuous feedback loops so l get a better idea where I aim with the writing and I can reward people who make an honest effort !

all of us are looking for something

Hi Gigi, I think most people feel that there are serious underlying problems. Most bury their head in the sand and hope for the best. The people I see post on so far seem to be willing to experiment and DO something about it. That's what encourages me about his place so far.

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