Timing is the New Location

in #life8 years ago (edited)

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"I was getting Ds and Fs and the world was telling me I was a loser. My teachers were telling me I was a loser, my friend's parents wouldn't tell me to face that I was a loser but I could see it in their eye.

They didn't think I would be successful because the game I played unlike today's game, in the 80's, early 90's was school was the way out." — Gary Vaynerchuk.

The author of the quote above is now of the most prominent businessmen in the world. His company, Vayner Media attracts all kinds of big conglomerations that are seeking some assistance with their marketing strategy so that they keep up to current trends and stay in the game.

“You have to market in the year that you live in.” You can often hear him say.

A few years ago, he was recounting the story of trying to convince a huge mega-franchise called Blockbuster to purchase a little crazy thing called Netflix, for a more than reasonable sum of money.

Here’s their response: We’ll pass.

Looking at what Netflix represents today in relationship to a few millions at the beginning of a trend, it becomes clear that they missed on the mother of all steals.

The world is changing fast, and it will change even faster as we hit the bell curve, so you either move fast or the wave passes you by.

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As the infamous expression goes: Adapt or die. And if you don’t believe me ask yourself this:

When is the last time you went to the Blockbuster to rent a movie?

Location, Location, Location

In 1974, Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s, was asked to speak to the MBA class at university of Texas at Austin. My friend was a student in that class. After a powerful and inspiring talk, the class adjourned and the students asked Ray if he would join them at their favorite hangout to have a few beers. Ray graciously accepted.

“What business am I in?” Ray asked, once the group all had their beers in hand. No one answered, so Ray asked the question again. "What business do you think I am in?”

The students laughed, and finally someone said, “Ray, who in the world doesn't know that you’re in the hamburger business.”

Ray chuckled. “That is what I thought you would say.” He paused and then quickly said, “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m not in the hamburger business. My business is real estate.” — Robert Kiyosaki

In the past century location, location, location was the Rosetta stone upon the which business were built, and to some degree it's still as valid today, mostly for location-based business such as coffee shops, restaurants, nightclubs, hotels… They all depend on their strategic placement.

Nowadays however, you can find are all sorts of independent businesses literally at your finger tips, you can even hire someone to pick up your groceries if you want to.

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You need time, someone else needs money, and so you enter in a mutually beneficial voluntary exchange. This phenomenon has been in a constant rise in the last years, one can even say that it’s making entrepreneurship cool again.

You see, with the rise of social networking the game has changed, you are a musician/entrepreneur, you’re a writer/entrepreneur, a software engineer/entrepreneur. You are your own brand.

But it wasn’t always like that.

Talking about social networks, if you indulge me a curious observation, it’s funny to look back how even in the movie The Social Network there was ironically a scene where Napster founder Sean Parker (character played by Justin Timberlake) confessed that he was entrepreneur, only to cause this reaction.. "So, unemployed?"

It’s easy to forget but entrepreneurship had a seriously bad rep barely a few years ago, it was almost a dirty word. The opening quote of this post is a prime example of that.

Back then the name of the game was playing it safe. Get a degree, get a job, get a house, a Rolex when you’re fifty, and off you go. Nothing to worry about.

Or so we were told.

Everywhere you looked, tap your home equity, tap your home equity... Even in TV shows: Tap your freakin’ home equity! But I guess that’s what you get when you take your financial advice from a desperate housewife who above all, is purely fictional.

These days everyone is an entrepreneur, form the Uber driver that takes you to the airport, to the host that sublets you the apartment to the freelance designer that makes your logos... But it wasn’t always like that. A case can be argued that the economic crisis has played a part in paving the way to mass adoption because necessity is the mother of invention, and that with every action there is an opposite reaction.

Strange Times

I decided to leave Spain early, in 2008 to be exact. Back in the good ol' days when the economic crisis was still a conspiracy theory. But shortly thereafter they did in fact finally admit that we've entered recession, and from there the game plan was clear.

It's only a temporary situation, they said. "Everything is gonna be back to normal in six months".

Wait! Where have we heard this thing before?

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Let me quote something for you, see if it sounds familiar:

Step one: Deny the fact all together (We are not lying about WMDs; There is no economic crisis; Don’t be ridiculous, no one is spying on you...)

You've heard the spiel, I'm sure.

Step2: Accept the fact but claim that it would be only temporary (We will leave Iraq in less than 6 months; The crisis will be over in less than 6 months, this is nothing but a temporary measure...)

And step 3: Accept the fact and deny all responsibility.

Be that as it may, I wasn't gonna stick around to watch it occur, I've seen that movie before, and as you can see, it's not a good movie. And as all bad movies go, the ending was very predictable.

Only that for me, it wasn't about the ending, it was about the sub-plot, and more importantly about the extras.

The part they had to play is a very difficult one, it’s emotionally draining: Denial, frustration and constant complaints about the very things that they not only ferociously denied, but loudly ridiculed.

Combine that with the inability to find solutions and there you sit, completely helpless.

Helpless but hopeful, hopeful that the protests will bring change, that the new president will bring change, that the other candidate will bring change, that the new fringe party will bring change, and finally end up too tired and worn out to react when it matters the most...

But I was wrong. There was an alternative ending to the story.

I was wrong because I never stopped to entertain the thought that necessity is the mother of all inventions. Some people invent and react positively to the situation, and some complain and let their emotions get the best of them.

Whenever that happens try to surround yourself with the first group.

That was several years ago and since then I’ve spent some considerable time in all continents to learn about myself and about the world. While I was gone, many of my friends and acquaintances back in Spain now all have location independent jobs.

In a way, they all became entrepreneurs, they started taking control of their own lives, they embraced they very same thing they were taught to dread.

But for that to happen a solid chunk of time had to pass in order to make it okay for them to let go of the emotional baggage and for change to outweigh the old narrative.

And more importantly to watch other people embrace the new trends so they can stop fearing them.

Timing is the New Location.

While it’s important to be ahead of the curve, it’s also equally important not to be 200 steps ahead of the customers.

And since we’re on the subject of timing and location, we must recall that the largest real estate agency on the planet Airbnb was about to fail back in 2009. Look at them now! Currently, Airbnb ranks third on the list of venture capital backed start-ups that have a value that is counted in Billions.

What changed? Crowd mentality. People are now ready for this, they weren’t in 2009.

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Steemit also has timing as a great asset, Bitcoin paved the way and dealt with a lot of the fears, the judgment, and the thousands of people constantly predicting it’s imminent demise. Now crypto-currencies are a reality of everyday life, and as time passes, public adoption will only grow further.

The timing is great not only on the currency aspect. Look around, there has never been a time with more bloggers, freelance artists than the era we live in. Add to that the social aspect of having millions of people around the world who just want to tell their story.

Sometimes it’s easy to forget what we have when we’re busy doing other things.

I for one, I’m happy to be here and enjoy this beautiful experience, and if you ask me, this is just the beginning, and I hope that one day, we can look back at this time as the opening chapter of something revolutionary.

I hope you will be there too!

We Shall Meet There

Image Sources: 12345


This is an aspect of entrepreneurship that I haven't thought much about. I think you make some excellent points; not only do you need a great idea but you also need to have the right timing. Even great ideas can fizzle and go nowhere if the world isn't ready for them.

Another characteristic of entrepreneurs is the ability to cope gracefully with failure. I think the commonly accepted wisdom is that 9 out of 10 startups will fail. But when that happens you just pick yourself right back up and keep on going, looking for that one success that makes it all worthwhile. Failures teach valuable lessons that are hard to gain any other way.

You can view Steemit as a microcosm of entrepreneurship. To be successful on here requires many of the same attributes as a successful entrepreneur: you need persistence, good ideas to write about, good timing, and a refusal to get discouraged and give up if a particular post (or whole string of them) ends up being a total flop.

I loved the whole comment, but the last part.. You just killed it! Spot on! It's like any other part of life, even actors and musicians have to persist in real life, not just writers and start ups. In steemit, many of us try to help people with the steem guild and Curie, and other projects, but the rules of life apply here as well. Perseverance as you said, is one of them.

Great post. Timing is important and the other thing that goes hand in hand with that is persistence. When Apple released the Newton in the 1990s it was a great idea but the world and technology was not quite ready for it. They didn't give up on it though and those same ideas ended up in the Iphone. If they had just given up on the idea they wouldn't be one of the largest corporations in the world now.

Absolutely! Great point. Even if the market is not ready you shouldn't give up on it!

Opportunity is easy to spot from behind.
I told a friend to buy a few bitcoins when they were $50 each. She didn't.
When they hit $200 each, she told me she regretted ignoring my advice. I told her to buy anyway, as they're going to the moon eventually. She didn't.
I told her about steemit and she did nothing.
A year from now when steem is $2 and I have 1000 loyal followers upvoting my content, she's going to tell me how she regrets ignoring my advice.
I have no idea what she expects opportunity to look like.

The problem is we are never taught what opportunity looks like in schools. Not all of us have that "lightbulb" moment and as the article highlights, the world is shifting in that direction in that we are all entrepreneurs.

I just wonder how she plans on spotting good opportunities, assuming she plans to see them in advance.
I'm your first follower. Like I said,
I'm good at spotting potential :)

Sounds like your friend is afraid of taking risks. But without risk there can be no advancement in life because no opportunity is risk-free. And the bigger the risk, often the bigger the potential reward. Getting ahead is all about risk management. Take advantage of whatever opportunities come along, but do so in such a way that you won't get wiped out if things go sour.

Sounds like you're good at spotting opportunity. Good luck helping your friend to get over her fear of risk taking!

Bravo! Beautiful piece. Well communicated and on spot. I've been fortunate in terms of online success. I am a digital nomad and so are my two daughters and their husbands. Our success can largely be credited to the subject of your article. Paying attention to time is and timing is important. I always say, "take the time to watch for the time to do it at the right time." lol. Peace and once again, great article!

Excellent quote! You're absolutely right, paying attention is very important. Thank you for nice comment.

I'm happy for your success, and you're family's! I wish you all the best!

I can't edit old posts so I will post a comment here, this is about this post I wrote in July.

Spoiler Alert - Spoiler Alert - Spoiler Alert - Spoiler Alert.

The conversation was choppy and I'm not sure if Daryl reacts to try to prevent the death of Abraham or responding to provocations after the first victim Abraham is killed. Either way, Daryl will be taken prisoner and they will give him a white jumpsuit..etc. As described in the post in July. They will even bring him back and parade him in Alexandria with the prisoner jumpsuit in another episode.

After Abraham is dead and Daryl interrupts, Negan says "the first one was free, this one won't be" he pretend to hit Daryl but he hits Glenn instead.

That's the switch the bait technique discussed in the first analysis that landed me the scoop in the first place. https://steemit.com/film/@the-alien/cinema-s-best-hidden-secrets-and-a-great-reward-to-the-walking-dead-fans

It will seem that Glenn is safe, but they will pull the rug and drop us.

Bottom line, two victims Glenn and Abraham, Daryl will be taken prisoner as described 3 months ago.

I guess we will see tonight if that was accurate.

The episode start is the confusing part, not sure if it will start with the line up or with the RV trip in the place where the logs were burning in last season's finale, either way, Rick is gonna start losing grip at reality.

The episode will be brutal, so brace yourselves!

Hope this help, and I guess we'll see tonight if my info was solid.

Blogging wise steemit has been a blessing. I write pretty much the same types of posts on facebook for close to a decade, just self expression. Usually just a few exchanges happen between friends but nothing too substantial. And here theres the option to also help the network and others through one's posts. Theres discussion and of course, potential $$. The only great difference posting here vs facebook is i actually force myself to write and format stuff better.. which takes time.. but at the same time important so that readers can digest stuff easily, make their life easier since theres so many posts out there. I really hope this gonna go somewhere too :)

Exactly! And that extra effort that before used to feel like a another step (even overkill for some) will soon become a natural process, it's like lifting weights, 20 KG will be nothing in a few months of training.

I do really hope this is going somewhere too, it can be amazing in the future!

The ultimate timing question to me goes something like: The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. There is a battle between being first on the scene and possibly scoring big there, but you also have a big chance to miss the mark because you don't understand the market.

This is a thought provoking well written piece by a high rep author. Hopefully you and your 223 votes can score more that $21, which is worth 5USD for your time and work.

Thank you @aggroed! Actually I just stopped for a second to ponder, I don't know if I'm more grateful for the nice comment or for the question, both for sure!

Very interesting question! First of all, what you say is totally within the realm of possibility and happens all the time. The early bird, has a advantage, however that advantage can lose relevance for a number of reasons.

The two main ones being the inability to adapt as the situation changes (especially in startups) and giving up too early. In that case, other lucky person comes in after the worst is over, and benefit from the fact that the early bird flew away.

It's an advantage being an early bird, but some effort is needed to maintain the advantage.

timing...it reminds me of The Gradaute and Dustin Hoffman being told to invest in plastics. Later it was getting in on the ground floor at Apple, Microsoft, Rim--take your pick. It's almost mystical to imagine finding that portal that leads to valhalla...but Steemit? Yeah, I think the time is coming when a lot of us will look back and say we caught the wave.

Yeah that would be epic!

"Some people invent and react positively to the situation"... these are the kind of people I want to hang around with. Those who look at challenges as opportunities are the ones who change the world for the better.

Exactly! Those I wanna hang out with as well :)

Great post! In fact, it was so good that we decided to feature it in our latest newspaper. Read it here: https://steemit.com/steemplus/@steemplus/steemplus-saturday-october-22-the-daily-newspaper-that-pays-you-to-find-high-quality-content

Thank you so much for the kind words and for including me!

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