Shockingly Unsurprising: The EU Considers Allowing Banks To Freeze Accounts

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Imagine this, it’s the end of the month, your bills are overdue and somehow the payments didn’t go through this time.

You open your laptop, you grab your credit card and try to pay them online but some sort of annoying “System error” prevents you from doing so.

But you have a deadline, so what do you do?

Fine, you put on some shirt and some slacks and head to the ATM to check your balance and retrieve some cash.

What you’re about to see now is gonna blow your socks away.

Never before have you seen so many people in your life waiting for the ATM. Or better said, never before have you seen so many people waiting in a line, period.

You wonder for a second if you’re still sleeping and you’re in the middle of a dream where you were heading to the ATM and ended up on some breadline in Venezuela.

As soon as that thought fades away, the doubts begin piling up, and as you take a deep nice look into that gigantic human train and you start to question.

There’s only two reasons why there’s that many people at that time a night in front of the ATM.

Either they started giving blow jobs at the cash machine, or something has gone seriously wrong.

You contemplate the possibility of a Bank run for a second, however such a thought is so uncomfortable so you secretly hope it’s the blowjob.

Still in disbelief, you can’t help but realize that everyone around you is showing unquestionable signs of distress, they all seem to be worried sick about something, and that thing is the possibility of not being able to withdraw their money.

The minutes pass and the uncertainty turns to anguish, anguish turns to desperation. No one knows what’s going on, the only thing that’s clear is that no one is able to withdraw their money anymore.

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“This is the fifth ATM I find with the same problem” says a voice among the crowd causing people start to feel even more anxious than they already were. In fact, you can feel a collective sense of fright in the dark cold of night.

And from there it was only a matter of time until some people started talking about what everyone else were thinking:

Bank Bail-ins

“Oh, no! This cannot happen here!” You say to yourself.

But then again, that’s probably what everyone said in Argentina, in Venezuela, and whatever country that went through the same.

Still, you refuse to believe that because want to believe that these things only happen in developing countries where corruption is more predominant and politicians don’t seem to care about the public.

Then again, you immediately realize that nowadays when it comes to corruption, there’s rarely any difference left between developed countries and developing nations, or banana republics for that matter.

Matter of a fact, we’ve crossed that line long time ago… With a truck filled with bananas.

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You still can’t believe that the banks made a run for your money, or that the government allowed them to do so. And more importantly, you still can’t believe that this is happening in your country.

But all your attempts of rationalization fail as you realize that you know full well what politicians do in times of crisis:

They all protect the too big to fails on expense of the public. The same as any other place in the world.

Your mind at present is a warzone. Reality is now clashing with the spoon-fed narrative fabricated by the political class who strangely enough, are notorious for their severe allergy to telling the truth.

And yet you believed them, everybody did. Because they told us what we wanted to believe. Plus, nobody wants to think about these things.

After all, most people are even afraid to check their bank balance just for the fear of worrying, so everyone just accepted the politicians’ narrative about the banking system. Hell, you’ve built a wall on your mind around that narrative, but now all of the sudden…

That wall is coming down, and cognitive dissonance is no longer a luxury you can afford.

The Music Always Stops

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You still don’t know what hit you, and all these thoughts come knocking at your door, thoughts you tried to block for so long because they were just too uncomfortable to entertain.

You get more worried as you start to remember, you remember that the banks have been insolvent for too long, far too long.

You remember that only a tiny portion of that money does actually exist in reality. You remember that if just a small percentage of the population tried to withdraw their money at the same time, that it wouldn’t be possible because…

It’s the greatest trick of all, always has been. It’s like that game with the musical chairs, you better grab a chair before the music stops, because the music always stops.

But you knew that already, you always knew.

Maybe you still don’t want to believe it. Maybe you don’t want to admit to yourself that you do.

But you deep down you knew, you knew this day was coming. You knew the inevitable was unavoidable as they were only kicking the can further down the road.

So you better not be caught off guard when the shit hits the fan as the can runs out of road.

Because that’s the moment when the music stops.

Of course none of this may never happen, or it will all start on that day, the day they allow banks to freeze all accounts, and when that day comes, it’s gonna be the biggest bank robbery the world has ever seen, and the banks will probably be doing the robbing.

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You better not let the music catch you without a chair.

Image Sources: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5


@the-alien This is the anti-thesis to FREEDOM. We must gain control and embrace love :)

Excatly, when people's own money is no longer their and controlled by their 'rulers' and banks.. It's the anti-thesis of freedom.

I felt like this when I noticed I could not immediately cash out bitcoin cash!

Yeah that feeling is shared among many. Maybe it's a lesson for all of us to make sure we can cash out anything we own.

it already happened in Italy and I think .. in Greece years ago
it won't be a shock anymore

It won't be a shock for people who are prepared, but those who cannot withdraw their money are gonna have a bad surprise I'm afraid :(

The prepping / gold community has been saying this for years.
And every year it happens... but in some little way that doesn't affect everyone.

Our problem is that we are completely dependent on a system. Their system. And we don't know what to do when it breaks down. Because, they made sure there were no alternatives. No way out. No escaping.

Fortunately crypto-currencies will save us. But, it is really going to get to an all or nothing point. Half of us in the life boats and half on the titanic sucks.

Anyway, have enough actual cash to get by for a month.

You hit it on the nail! The solution may be to be as independent on their system as possible

Fantastic article, people are already beginning to realise how controlling the eu is and when the Eu does not if take control of their money it will be to late for some people, cheers mike

Hey Mike! Yeah I just hope that people realize that before it's too late.

I personally don't doubt it the eu is all about control, cheers for your reply mike

In Canada the federal government recently gave banks the right to seize currency from accounts during difficult times . The banks are obligated to provide its own shares of equal value as a replacement . I'm not sure shares of a broke bank will go far at a grocery store . All the more reason to give our crypto stashes a big hug before we tuck it in at night . IMHO anyway .

Wow, that's huge, and given how the banking system works it's only a matter of time before they seize accounts. :(

This is possible in times of crisis.

Banks usually "make money", lending more than they actually have in cash. What happens in times of crisis is that everyone runs to take out cash at the same time, but doesn't have money for everyone. So the government forbids withdrawals of money.

That is why some people recommend that you have money at home for these times.

Exactly, because they don't have it. And you're right in times of crisis people prefer to hude their money under the mattress than in the bank

When will governments just come out and say, "We work for the banks. If you could kindly f*** off, that'd be great."

Man they are struggling now with the rise of crypto.. The banks will do everything not to lose.

Haha that's for sure! they'll do everything they can

But they are not really fighting against it. They know they need to catch up and utilise new technologies, but they don't wanna be disrupted. That's why they try to regulate and fight for every piece of their power.

Lol the parts with the blowjobs made me laugh :D I believe this might happen someday. Maybe even sooner than we would expect.

Haha yeah, I thought it was funny as well. You're right, it may happen someday, if they pass that law we should all be careful to not be surprised when it happens.

"Either they started giving blow jobs at the cash machine, or something has gone seriously wrong." 😂
Seriously though, great post. Resteemed.

Haha thank you!

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