Lessons from the Libertarian In-fighting. Part 2

in #life8 years ago (edited)

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“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” ― Henry Thomas Buckle

Although there was no shortage of new and fresh ideas surfacing in the Libertarian circles in the past years, there were some however that wanted to focus on personal attacks and witch-hunt expeditions.

Often you would see them trying to drive the conversation away from new thoughts and concepts, and try to reduce them into popularity contests about which “celebritarian” to attack next.

Gossip was starting to replace the festival of interesting ideas.

Instead of theories or plans, a bulk of the focus seemed to be canalized towards complaining about other people.

“This girl doesn’t represent the Libertarian philosophy”, “This guy is a fake”...etc.

Keiser was right, from the outside it’s kinda looks like Lord of the Flies sometimes.

It was a really sad thing to see. After all, If you don’t like how someone conducts his interviews, why don't you make your own?

Don’t like how that girl makes silly jokes in that podcast? Start your own podcast.

Don’t like how that classy guy in a bow tie dresses like “a sell-out”? Don’t watch.

Start your own show, build your own media company, write your own books and dress like a non sell-out.

No one is stopping you.

But those things are hard, they require a lot of work.

Witch-hunting is easy.

The irony however is that the witch-hunters look just like the “parasite class” they loath oh so badly.

They refuse to create anything of value, yet they always focus on other people. They try to get everyone at everyone's throat while pretending to be looking out for... Well, the greater good.

They pretend that they are looking out for the community but in reality all they do is to make everyone fight with everyone and try to get everyone to rally against an inner enemy.

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Exactly as the politicians do. After all, they're only looking out for everyone, right?

They say that 4% percent of people are sociopaths, and every community has one.

“Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens.” ― George Carlin

After all, just like in real life 20 percent of people bring the 80% of value. And the opposite is true as well, 20% of people bring the 80% of drama.

And we sure as hell had our fair share of witch hunts before, the war on boobs, the war on whales, on specific figures… If you look you will see the very same individuals trying to stir hate for months on end.

Are they actually looking out for the community? Or are they operating just like your run-of-the-mill politician?

I don't know. But one thing is clear:

They always point at a group of people and say it’s their fault. And that is no recipe for success.

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The good news, is that this an amazing community of go-getters. Just look at the success of steemfest or how people get together any time an issue arises. It's truly beautiful.

We are in a community where you wake up and find messages saying “Some fellow steemians got stuck in an airport, what can we do to help?” And the community more often than not responds.

So many people have realized that their self-interest and the growth of steem is one of the same, and at the same time they're all enjoying this beautiful experiment that has the potential of changing lives.

Some people choose to move forward, and some however only care about dragging people down. It's like real life, it happens.

Don’t mind the witch-hunters, don’t mind their wooden stakes and pitchforks.

They always existed and always will exist.

They will keep changing targets hoping to get everyone at everyone’s throat.

After all, the road to success is filled with these things, but ask any successful person in the world and they’ll tell you. Complaining is not a strategy.

Complaining doesn’t get you anywhere but down. In fact it’s the single most direct path to losing in life and intoxicate relationships. It's the perfect guide to leading a miserable life.

But then again, you can’t really expect a good advice from a witch hunter.

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Image Sources: 1234


Thank you for reminding me about all of the positivity that exists in this community. It may not make as much noise when people rally together to help people get home after being stranded at an airport... but it has a much more lasting effect. There really are a lot of people here trying to pull each other up.

There are a lot of great people here, a lot. And more importantly there are many people getting shit done and creating all sorts of productive things. Don't let the witch-hunters darken the mood, just ignore them :)

And you know, we're gonna be legends ;)

I'm sorry this came close to home. After being caught falsely accusing Jason yesterday, you still feel no shame after throwing dangerous false accusations and being caught?

Oh well, I guess people like you are like that.

Downvoted again :)

I'm sorry this came close to home.

Did it? I don't know because I don't read your posts. There is no need...

So who cast the #steemguild votes for this post? You, @jrcornel, @gavvet, @hanshotfirst???

I don't know. What I do know is that you were caught lying making dangerous accusations about Jason taking funds from some account he doesn't have access to, and pretended he pays himself to promote on steemit.chat.

What kind of malignant sociopath does that in cold blood?

You continued making dangerous accusations of abuse. Downvoted again.

P.S: Thank god you don't read my posts, I don't read yours either. I want nothing to do with people like you. I won't read any of your comments from now on either.

Have a nice life!

Hilarious cartoon!


Hahaha I've seen stuff like that as well.

Hope the tide turns, it would be more interesting :)

Very very well put...

I wrote about whiners recently as well. Man, it can be a struggle at times ignoring them. They can be like a ringing in the ear that never goes away. It's very hard to focus at times and I'll admit, I've snapped... but I feel better now.

Oh I snapped a couple of times too. But now I just mute them. And you're right, it's hard to focus, so always ignore if possible.

I remember your post btw. :)

Glad you feel better now.

What if we addressed them as concerned potential investors? Would that change how you address the people who are using the platform?

I should also say; the article I wrote about whiners was tagged as funny and was written in the character of This Man. It mentioned experiences of my life, away from Steemit, and from my past. That article was about whiners in general. I didn't address anyone in particular.

I think you're spinning my words. Are you saying I'm calling everyone on Steemit a whiner?

I wrote about whiners recently as well. Man, it can be a struggle at times ignoring them.

General statement. I can't really stand whiners, that's all.

I know what grievances are. There are productive ways to handle those. There are also whiners. They can never be happy. Even when given the answers, they refuse to listen and carry on whining. I don't like being around negativity like that. It's not productive. It becomes a distraction. I'm not sure who or what you're talking about. Whiners just bother me.

Well said -- Life is too short to spend your time complaining, when you could be living, creating, loving... Cheers!

I LOVE this post. I don't care how many people whine about the unfair distribution of rewards, if someone is consistently producing great content and being rewarded well for it, I tend to think it's a goal to shoot for, not something to criticize. I've been here two months and worked really hard, producing unique content--this formula works. My rep shows it, my consistent and increasing rewards show it. If I had come on the scene when you did, who knows?
You are at 168 + dollars and I added my vote, because this is what people should be shooting for, not complaining about.

Hey I was just reading your post.

Yeah totally, that's the best way to go in any community. Whining doesn't take you anywhere. Great work and consistency will push you forward.

I'm sure you'll do great, and I can remind you of this in a few months :)

I will never understand whining, it's a waste of time that can only possibly give you a headache, ha!
Absolutely agreed, every post of yours I've read is the kind of quality that says you deserve your place here.
Hopefully they have another steemfest in Amsterdam...or somewhere equally as awesome, and we can discuss this then ;)

Yeo- that's what I did- started my own media brand- it's all at a loss but it's my passion and a way in which I attempt to be of service to others.

Actually that's best way to go about most businesses, if you provide a service to others, you're more likely to get there :) Plus it's your passion! Hope you're enjoying what you do, and that it turns from loss to profit.

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