My Experience With Mushrooms - Psilocybin is Great Detector of Spirituality
After Ayahuasca came the turn of the 'good old' mushroom.
It's not a difficult spiritual preparation - you get a portion of mushrooms and eat them (taste just like champignons), without a long preparation except that just prior to, don't eat anything.
I can say that this is about dose of travel, new artistic vision and, most importantly, very precise philosophical manners.

The great medical potential
Psilocybin mushroom basically contain the psychoactive compounds psilocybin and psilocin. The most popular types are Psilocybe Cubensis, Psilocybe semilanceata, Psilocybe Azurescens and Psilocybe cyanescens the genera Psilocybe, Panaeolus, Copelandia, Gymnopilus etc.
Unlike other natural psychedelic plants this is very frequently used as a recreational substance while the public far less promoted and perceived the cognitive part.
Dosing ideal portion is about four grams of mushrooms orally while the double dose is often too strong to achieve an analytical range.
As far as the undisputed therapeutic options, psilocybin has similar problems as well as cannabis - a huge number of potential benefits but also quite obscure number of scientific studies.
However, it is known to use to combat severe forms of alcoholism and heroin addiction.
Also it is quite successfully used to combat 'cluster' headaches, clinical depression and even studies with Imperial 'College London' and 'Johns Hopkins School of Medicine 'considered as a superior natural antidepressants without side effects.

My story
Okay, now let's go to my story.
I got my portion and with a buddy, without any expectations ate some two or three mushroom stalk.
As I have so far only taken ayahuasca, I'm used to waiting a little longer acting so surprised me when after fifteen minutes started classic sensory 'strike' - a stimulus that has bent perception and simultaneously relaxed body with relaxing and extremely pleasant stirrings. As an amazing massage, perhaps with a 'happy ending'.

Like other psychedelics, all depends on the amount and the user's physiognomy. My body really well received plants because I'm pretty healthy, the psychoactive effect is not spent on healing illnesses and healing the body.
Reconnection is also followed at record rates. Although in such things I do not look too much on the opinions of scientists, I agree with the observation that the effects may include 'sense of knowledge or newly discovered truth, a sense of connection with the world and nature, increased inspiration and creativity, deep introspection and feeling of communication with the environment.
The shape of the rooms remains the same or similar but changing properties and color of the object.
As for the feeling, they vary from laughter directed toward some kind and malicious ideas, but to end confusion directed typical human habits.
I have not experienced problems with the perception of the passage of time, but therefore I had some problem with fatigue and thirst.
It is important to emphasize that the mushrooms is extremely nontoxic, do not damage the brain and the US Centers for Disease Control the body are permanently less harmful than aspirin.

And now we arrive at those key points - individuals experiencing 'intense spiritual / religious experience'.
University Johns Hopkins has made a study of the premier consumers of psilocybin (to which belong and I) and came to the conclusion that 61% experienced "mystical experience," most of the fear created problems in the strength of experience, but no matter - 79% of respondents expressed that this was quite a positive experience.
Psychoactive effect lasted their 4-5 hours, and then I rested. My friend went in nature, and I left to write.
And anyone who decides on these things, a word of warning - you can leave prejudices behind closed doors ...
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Nice post.. I'll be following!