Long day, long jog

in #life8 years ago

So I’m back in the game! I didn’t bother posting yesterday because I didn’t really do anything eventful, but man oh man, was today ever a busy day. I remembered last night that I start my classroom observation this week, and I thought, “Hmm, better check when that is…” It’s a really good thing I did, because my first observation was this morning, and I would have missed it! So lucky me, I got up to make it to my 8am observation. I had to cancel going to the gym with Titi, which is a bummer because I workout longer at the gym than at home, BUT it gave me the chance to dust off my jogging skills, so that’s a bonus.

I’m getting ahead of myself though. Let me explain my ridiculous day. I got up at 6:30, which by the way is the earliest I’ve been up in…months! Observations from 8-9, 9-10, then 2 hours in which I ate my brunch (yeah, all of my meals were completely thrown off today), and read my readings for my class this evening. Then 12-1 another observation, 1-1:45 driving home, running errands. 1:45-2:25 my only down-time today, which consisted of eating, checking my email and talking to the Boy. From 2:25-2:50 I went jogging, I’ll talk more about that in a moment. 2:55-4:00 I showered, put on makeup, did my hair. 4-4:20 I tried to eat a meagre dinner and packed my bag, and then was off to class, which ran from 5 until 8. I got home at 8:30, had a minor meltdown, and now here I am relaxing FINALLY!!!!

Phew, what a day. Maybe it doesn’t seem SO bad when you read it, but when you had originally thought your day consisted of going to the gym, and attending an evening class, you suddenly find yourself overwhelmed with all the busyness of it. Maybe I’m just used to more quiet days or something!

So, my jog today. I thought I’d extend my jogging distance a bit and see if I could jog the whole thing…and I did!!! GO ME!!! I calculated it on Runningmap.com, and I jogged a total of 2.5 km, and walked an additional .5 km. Not too shabby seeing as how I only started jogging outdoors a couple weeks ago! True, I’d been going to the gym for a few weeks before that, but still!!!

Not eating junkfood today has been really hard for me because I feel my whole body and even mind not wanting to comply to this regime that I have myself on. I was completely ready to rebel and not go jogging today, but the Boy helped me out, and besides, I hadn’t worked out since last Thursday, so I figured it was about time. I enjoyed my jog, especially because I ran the route backwards today (meaning instead of going my usual route, I went in the other direction…not meaning I ran backwards…hahaha!). It was good for a change, it put a different spin on my ability to push myself to the next sign, etc. etc.

Wow, I’m rambling…I’m so tired! I’ll just wrap it up now and ignore the fact that this post is probably random and completely disjointed!

Weight: I’ve actually decided to weigh myself in every Saturday so I don’t get obsessive about it. So check back on Saturday for an update!

Workout: Jogged 2.5 km, walked 0.5 km

Junk food: One 10 cent chocolate from the school…it was so small it was half a chocolate really. But something nice to nibble on in my horrendously boring class…

P.S. I just re-read my post from Saturday and I realized that one of my goals for this week was to not have any junk food starting today, so I’m sorry! I’d actually completely forgotten about that. I’ll make tomorrow better.


thought that red bit there was saffron for a sec.. not sure why? lol nice pics! upvoted!

Good job! Thank you for the pleasure!

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