in #life7 years ago


Honestly, is it too much to ask for a little down time on a Saturday?!?! I feel like Ive been go-go-go all day long, and am just now finding the time to relax. I didnt even have time for my jog this evening, as the lesson that I was preparing for tomorrow took WAY longer to do than I thought it would! BOTHER.

So tomorrow is Sunday and a day of rest for me, and Ill be back to the grindstone on Monday. I only worked out 3 times this week, which is a record low since I started my new regime. Its funny that the week I start blogging is the week I slack offIm really not like this always! Ill just have to prove myself over the next few weeks.

Okay, heres something aside and random, but I feel SOOOOO scatter-brained lately, Ive been forgetting to do everything! Well, maybe not everything, but Ive been forgetting a lot of things, like how I forgot about my piano lesson on Thursday, and how I forgot to do my readings for class, and that I was teaching sharing time for Primary tomorrow (for those of you who are not LDS, Primary is the church program for kids ages 3-12, and runs for 2 hours on Sunday. Sharing time is one of the lessons we have there.) I like feeling like I got things accomplished, and thats hard to do when youre constantly forgetting things. So I hope next week is better for that. I think it will be, because I dont plan on getting sick at all, and Im settling in to the rhythm of school now that seminars have started, and that makes a big difference.

My goals for this week are:

work out 5 days

jog 2 km. non-stop when I go jogging outdoors

dont have any junk food AT ALL (by the way, this is starting on Monday, just so Im safe for tomorrow when Im at my mums for dinner;))

do all of my readings for class

Anyway, Im sorry, I know today is a boring entry, but it wasnt that eventful a day!

Weight: 160.8 - YES I got back down, and Im grateful. Lets see what we can do with this week!

Workout: None, although I spent pretty much the whole day on my feet, so that has to count for something.

Junk food: One chocolate, one Werthers Original

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