What Does KIDNEY Say?

in #life5 years ago

picture1-thumb400 (1).png [source] {https://www.google.com/search?q=kidney+images&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=QeAiSDjgq53x1M%253A%252CSjaVmSEyTe-ycM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTGKv_s-tYzcIotOwibEO7fZrKAaw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwif85W37rjiAhWYb30KHZ6uBawQ9QEwAXoECAYQBg#imgdii=dOsW1Oh3xRlOUM:&imgrc=QeAiSDjgq53x1M:&vet=1}
In the morning, many people have a habit of eating tea with dry biscuits. After drinking tea water? No Way Sitting in the afternoon dinner table, noticed that the day the glass of water is going to become slim.
However, it is very important to have glass health fatty for your diet control. Well, think about how many glasses of glass of the glass have you drink at noon? Maximum two glasses Those two glasses of water will have 300 millimeters of water suspected.And I used to eat the dinner three glasses of the maximum 400 ml. That means you are drinking 700 ml of water a day. Do you know how much time you piss?
Normally 1.5 liters of pub road.What is the normal length of 1.5 liters of pissing? In your body the dirty substances that contain urea or creatinine, they are the perfect ones to get out of your body.
But you used to eat 700 ml or tea or coffee (Tea, coffee diuretics, which made early piss), and then gave out a portion of the kidneys, how would you kidnap all the dirt or urea and creatinine in your body?The kidneys are genuinely love you but you love it not, so try to find them with some mechanisms of their own. Successful at first but the end is bribe!
You can take half to two liters of water, but the poor kidneys carry out 180 liters of blood every day and take out the dirt! How much blood is your blood? Only 7 to 8 liters. Where the kidney gets blood ?Never thought? I think it feels bad. If you have a dirty garbage, your poor blood is repeatedly scratched! And how much sincere is giving to you and what you are giving in return?
Due to the loss of the water and not the performance and lost performance Chronic renal or kidney failure is the name of this means that kidneys can not extract uranium creatinine from your body.GettyImages-56065283-599f3fc0d088c00011dcc9e3.jpg [source]{https://www.google.com/search?q=kidney+failure+images&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=e-pb_B59FNorsM%253A%252Csk7cuQXvdQYfHM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kSHq1qXwYoBmYCjhZ4ujDOwANY9tw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj90JvH7rjiAhWXfysKHfxcB2cQ9QEwAXoECAcQBg#imgrc=e-pb_B59FNorsM:}
Once this disease can not be better once kidney is not able to buy another kidney or transplant.Outside the jam coming home to see the headache jam stuck in the bus! You do not even know that excess water in sweat with sweating is causing headache. Headache medicines Drinking water and pain medication blew the kidney 12 times. But one packet oral saline was enough to stop your headache. Prevention Is Better than Cure.
So where to eat saline before you go to your jam or to get your body to work.

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