How to create a daily routine and plan the day for a productive life

in #life3 years ago

We all have an innate desire to maximise the value of our short time on this planet. Doing more in less time, not letting time pass without doing something, and keeping ourselves busy with activities that can help us improve ourselves are all essential challenges for us.

According to studies on time management in work contexts where productivity and efficiency are critical, 40% of us spend the entire day doing non-productive tasks. So, what makes the other 60% of the workforce more productive?


People who can manage their time more productively and in a balanced way are not those who can do a lot in a short amount of time, contrary to popular assumption, but those who can make the most of all hours of the day for work and break times. When you stick to specific patterns and, more significantly, figure out what your personal needs and wants are, you'll find that you can make better use of your time.

This daily program flow and recommendations are based on the daily plans and research of the world's most productive people, and they will help you manage your time optimally when you organise it according to your own needs.

The most productive hours of the day are those in the morning, when our bodies are awakened by sunshine and begin the day with the energy stored during sleep. In addition to research, the people featured in Laura Vanderkam's best-selling book "What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast" spend their early hours on any work or hobby that has become a habit for them. Drinking herbal tea, stretching, showering, strolling, writing a diary, or clearing up your inbox... Although what can be done in the morning differs by person, the key is to repeat it every morning and build it into a habit.

As you can see, while successful people's rituals differ, one thing they all have in common is that they endeavour to sustain this pattern by following it every morning. The bottom line is that it's more important to keep doing what you're doing every day than it is to change what you're doing. If you don't have a morning routine, at least in the beginning, here are some tips for starting one:

You should get up before anyone else in your house. Even if you don't live with someone, attempt to get up a few hours before your work hours to avoid being continually distracted by notifications. You can return to critical emails or clear up your emails, set aside time for reading, write a diary, meditate, or carefully organise the rest of your day during this peaceful period without distraction.

Start your day with at least one of the three components of a healthy lifestyle: exercise, meditation, and eating well. It may sound cliched, but consuming unhealthy junk food from your bed will not provide you with the energy you require for the remainder of the day. As a result, strive to incorporate at least one of these three activities into your morning routine.

Get a sense of the day's flow and make a plan. According to studies, persons who create precise and clear goals in the initial hours of the day and stick to them throughout the day are 50 percent more likely to achieve their goals and feel 32 percent more in charge of their lives.

After you've created your agenda, go over it again. This way, you'll be able to anticipate what you'll confront during the day, including how much tension you'll feel and how rested you'll be. It might also be a good morning practise to go over your schedule to check if there are any bottlenecks or conflicts, and to avoid tension at the last minute.

Participate in whatever it is that you enjoy. Having breakfast, walking your dog, or pursuing any of your interests... Taking care of the things you enjoy is one of the finest methods to start the day pleasantly and enhance your attitude.


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