is it true that male horses become a mother?

in #life7 years ago

The seahorse has been described as having the head of a horse,the tail of a monkey,the pouch of a kangaroo,the hard outer skeleton of an insect and theindependentlymoving eyes of achameleon.

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The seahorse is small fishthat is so named becausehead reseambles that of a tiny horse. We are accustomed to the idea that it is always the female that bearsthe offspring,but in seahorse it is the reverse .The female seahose,when she lays her eggs,puts theminto the broad pouch beneath the tail of the male. When the young have hatched and are ready to leave the pouch ,the mouth of the pouch opens wide. The male alternately bends and straightens his body in convulsive jerks and finally a baby seahorse is shot out . after each birth the male rests,and when all the babies are born he shows signs of extreme exhaustion.

researched and written by @tamagotchi


Interesting post!

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