God is After Strong Faith

in #life7 years ago (edited)


God is After Strong Faith

The Kingdom of God is not a religion, it’s a community. When one thing happens in a community, it affects the whole community. In Romans 12:15, it says, “When one rejoices, everybody rejoices with that person. Also, when one is mourning, everybody is mourning with that person.” The whole principle there, nothing in the community of the kingdom of God is isolated. So, we feel the pain that are affected by the people’s recent tragedy or trouble. These are the moments, we want to support and navigate their shocks and traumas.

When things happen in life, we always have questions. First of all, everything is going to be all right. God will always get the glory, whatever happens. Stand firm in the kingdom faith. This is probably the defining moments of our life as a kingdom citizen. The keys to building a stable faith. The mysteries of life. We can avoid depression or down moments, and we need to settle this in our hearts now, so we can have a good time, whatever happens with no worries. There are some things we cannot stop. Like death. It’s an unexpected change or crisis. We can make arrangements to allow it to pass us by because if we cannot stop it, we get in front of it, it will still be going where it’s going, but we will be destroyed or run over. There are things in life, we are not responsible for. For example, you paid your kids’ tuition, you’re not responsible for the outcome.

There’s something that exceeds us. “I don’t know” is a powerful statement in life. Accept what goes beyond you, to keep you peaceful in life. A Key to life is knowing. Knowing your limitations. Make sure your limitation keeps you peaceful. Know what you are and you are not responsible for. For example, your own decision. We cannot blame anyone, what we have decided? God’s responsibility, He can’t control your will. He died for us on the cross, He gave His life, shared His blood for our redemption, He went to hell on our behalf, He took the keys from the tomb and the grave, came back and rose again, but He still cannot save us without our permission. Jesus knows His limitations. He will never violate our will. He knows, what not to cross.

Know what we cannot do? We cannot make people do things. Let God be God. The greatest temptation in human is pretending to be God. We are gods, but we are not God (Father). There are things only God can do and knows. Settle that! There are things only God knows and things He won’t tell us. Know what you know and let God know what He knows. This keeps us peaceful. There are things only God understands and can explain. Don’t sweat it, go to sleep this week. God does not slumber (doze or sleep), so we can go to sleep. We have no problems. We don’t argue with God, who created 500 billion galaxies. We go to bed. We don’t put ourselves under unnecessary pressure, explaining only God can explain. Relax our brain and eat a healthy meal or sandwiches.

We have to know our limits, so let God be God. God will only allow us to know some things and He doesn’t allow us to know too much. We have a finite mind. Our mental capacity is limited, to contain God’s vast knowledge is impossible because God gives us sentences and He has a library. And a sentence can last us a lifetime. What God is after is strong faith? God wants to heal our mind. Strong faith. Your faith is only as strong as the test it survived. How strong are you? You are only as strong as what you can lift. In other words, for you to know your strengths, you have to find something to test it. We cannot brag on our strength, until it has been tested or unless you test it. God will test you. You say, “my God will supply” and He takes everything from you. Let’s see, how strong is your faith now? Understand, what is your motive for following God? This is the heart of life. Calling Jesus your Lord or entering the kingdom of God. What motivated you? Our motivation will be tested.

In John 6:24-25, the disciples were seeking Jesus. Everybody’s looking for Jesus, He can heal us, pay our bills, feed us, give us water to drink, cast out demons from our life, He can save our marriage and our children, etc. They found Jesus meaning born-again. On the other side. In John 6:26-27, He says, “You seek me, not because you saw the miracles, but the free fish and bread.” Jesus knows, why some come to Him, not because they are looking for Him. Some come for blessings, miracles (signs He performs), and free fish and bread. Some look for God to add things to them, but not to add things to them because they love Him. What if God didn’t add things today? Jesus knows, some only wants good things from Him and free things in life. Have faith in God. Some follow God because He blesses them, but they don’t really follow God. We believe in God because people live. How about when people die?

God‘s kingdom is so strong nothing can move it. John 6:29, the work of God is to “Believe.” This is the work of God that we believe on Him whom He had sent. Don’t believe (work for) on the bread and fish, the miracles, healings, etc. Believe in Jesus! Put your faith in Jesus. Belief is Pistis in Greek. Believe or Pistis means faith. The greatest work, we can do in life is to have faith in the one God sent. Not the things He does or His activities. He knows, why they were following Him because what they can get. As long as Jesus is giving them what they want, they’re following Him. Jesus said, forget the stuff and believe in Him. He is shifting our motivation from things, to Him because things change. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Praise God!

Picture from strongfaith.com



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