10 Ways to Energize Your Day
There are 10 ways to energize your day. All of these can help you in the sense that they will allow you to do more things and accomplish more things during the day. But these don't really energize your day or make it feel like it's more energized. So here's a look at some ways to energize your day.
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I'm not going to lie to you, getting up and walking around is good for your energy levels and can be one of the ways to energize your day. But when you do that, what happens? You walk, and you think about how you are going to get there and you go, but then you stop. So that's not energy, that's just thinking. And that's just putting a Band-Aid on an injury.
When you take small steps forward, you create momentum. Momentum is energy. And if you can use momentum to do what you need to do, without stopping, without pausing, and without being worried about the work you have to do afterwards, then that is what energy is.
The first thing you need to do is take small steps forward. Maybe you want to get up and walk around a bit, or maybe you want to put one of those toe kicks in the air and march around once. When you get up and do something, or march around once, it becomes energy for that activity. That energy can then be leveraged when you get to the end of the task or whatever you were doing to get there - by leveraging it, you can push yourself forward. That's called momentum.
What does this have to do with giving things your full attention? Well, give your full attention to things that energize you. Do you have a craft project that you're working on? If so, why not finish it today? Finish all of your projects that energize you so that when you are sitting down at your desk in the morning, those projects will be the first thing you are thinking about. Finish the projects that give you the most energy.
If you don't know where your things are, ask someone who does. Have your laundry professionally folded every day? Have things professionally cleaned? If you do not know what you have or where it is, find it. Then have someone show you where it is or what it is every day.
Doing these little things, one after the other, builds up momentum. Your momentum will then help you get through the day and get things done. You will find that the more energized you are, the less stressed you will be and the easier things will get done.
I would love to hear from you. What are ten ways to energize your day? Are there any that you can add to an already energized lifestyle?
I know that I get stressed out when I'm not doing things I want to do. I know that it builds up negativity in me and distracts me from what I want to accomplish in my life. I also find it tough to focus on anything. My mind wanders all over the place and I get distracted and I start to feel run down.
My solution for this is to find something to do that energizes me. It has helped me overcome a lot of obstacles and I have more things that I want to get done. When I'm energized, I have more stamina. When I'm tired or have run down, I know that I'm not getting as much done as I could be. When I'm energized, I don't feel run down and I'm more productive with my day.
One of the ways that you can energize your day is to find something to do that gets you really excited. I love cross country running and I keep a pair of running shoes in my car. When I get ready to run, I put on my running shoes and walk until I feel like I am burning off energy. Then I take a break and I'm ready to get started again. That makes me complete for my day.
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You can find many other ways that energize your day. The more that you find ways that energize you, the more energy you will have throughout the day. I love to get out and walk and that is a great way to energize. Find something that you can do that gets you going and see what it does for you.