The Sealed Nectar | Part 17 | Muhammad's Birth and Forty Years Prior to Prophethood | Al-Fudoul Confederacy
Excerpts from "The Sealed Nectar"
At the conclusion of these wars during the sacred month of Dhul Qa'dah, when peace was restored, people felt the need to form a confederacy at Makkah for suppressing violence and injustice, and protecting the rights of the week and the poor.
Representatives of Banu Hashim, Banu Al-Muthalib, Asad Bin 'Abdul-' Uzza, Zahara Bin Kilab and Taim Bin Murrah were called to meet in the house of an honorable elderly man called 'Abdullah Bin Jad'an At-Taimy to enter into a confederacy that would provide for the above-mentioned items. Allah's Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam shortly after he had been honoured with the ministry of Prophethood, witnessed this league and commented on it, with very positive words: "I witnessed a confederacy in the house of 'Abdullah Bin Jad'an. It was more appealing to me then herds of cattle. Even now in the period of Islam, I would respond positively to attending such a meeting if I were invited."
In fact, the spirit of the confederacy and the course of considerations therein marked a complete departure from the pre-Islamic tribal pride.
The story that lead to its convention says that a man from the Zubaid clan came as a merchant to Makkah where he sold some commodities to Al-'As bin Wa' il As-Sahmi. The latter avoided paying for the goods. The trader sought help from some of his allies from the Quraish but they paid no heed to his earnest pleas. He then went to a mountaintop and began, at the top of his voice, to recite the verses of complaint giving an account of the injustice is he had sustained. Az-Zubair Bin 'Abdul-Muttalib made enquiry into the matter. Consequently, the parties to the aforesaid confederacy convened their meeting and managed to force money for the man from Zubaid out of Al-'As bin Wa'il.
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Nice post,
Muhammad (the greatest) is among of the nobel people of the world who fought for peace, for weaks, for women rights and atc atc. Always proud for him.
Sure He Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam did