I'm a film fanatic, so is China. 我是一个电影迷。

in #life8 years ago (edited)



Let's crunch some numbers here, this is one and a half months worth of movies that i've seen at the cinema, in 45 days, 23 movies, so on average that's one film every two days. Every month, there are around 40 new movies screened. Roughly comparing this to the UK, i'd say less than half of that number would be released per month. Some movies often stay showing for up to 3 months, for example the ultra popular movie 'Minions'. Just a tiny observation like this and you can already start getting a picture of how flourishing the movie entertainment business is here in China. With so many films being released every month, the different genres of movies released are increasingly varied too.



With the booming of the movie entertainment industry in China, this has helped to bring about the success of a particular theatre chain globally too. In 2016, the richest man in China, and currently the forbes 18th richest man in the world, is Wang Jian Lin - Chairman of Dalian Wanda Group, whose estimated net worth is over $30 Billion USD. Today, Wanda Movie Theatres is the largest Theatre chain in the world. Under the banner of AMC, they announced the acquisition of europes largest theatre chain, Odean UCI for a deal estimated to be worth $1.2Billion USD. This is currently the largest investment deal in the UK seen since the Brexit.
This is me at the Beijing Wanda IMAX movie theatre.
中国的电影行业的快速发展同样带动了中国电影院线的在世界上的成功。2016年中国首富,全球富豪榜第21位的王健林是万达集团的董事长。至今,万达影城已经成为世界上最大的电影院线商。2016年7月,万达集团旗下美国AMC院线宣布以9.2亿英磅(约合12亿美元,81亿人民币)正式收购欧洲第一大院线------Odeon UCI院线,这是英国脱欧后单笔最大的外国投资。




So lets start with the movies I watched more recently as I remember those the best. "Line Walker" is an movie adapted version of TVB's TV Series also named the same. In the last 10 years, Hong Kong have become known for their Police and Crime movies. The film's background story centre's around Brazil's drug trafficking trade, in the movie, there were shots of Rio's main olympic stadium. The movie is based around the two main actors who both claim they are undercover agents rooted in a big crime organisation, of course, there is only one real undercover agent and so, clues are left throughout the film to let the viewer repeatedly take guesses as to who the real undercover agent is, the film really allows you to let your imagination roam. The story of Line Walker reminds me of a film I watched before, Starring Angelina Jolie called 'Salt'. Again, 'Salt' is full of twists and surprises and leaves the viewer constantly guessing if Salt is really a Russian spy. Only near the end are things slowly revealed. Overall, i've always been a fan of mystery / suspense / action films whether made in China or Abroad.




"Love O2O" was beyond my expectations as I did not think that I would like it as much as I did, perhaps it was because the role played by AngelaBaby resonated with my own self some what. We both like to play Online RPG games. This was adapted from a very popular book in China, although it is a Romantic Comedy, it's the first Romantic Comedy based around Online RPG games. There's probably no other film with the same setting (correct me if i'm wrong!) so the film was refreshing if a bit cheesy but certainly left no sour taste in my mouth after watching. The game in the movie is themed around Classical Chinese fantasy, and the movie's characters go into and out from the game seemlessly like the two worlds are connected. Although this particular game may not be known in the West, the underlying story revolves around two people who meet and fall in love within the game and yet, have no idea who each other are in reality. It gives the viewer an alternative but savvy view of an unconventional way to go about romance that is both uncanny yet endearing at the same time. After watching this film, I had strong impulses to go play that game!





"The Lost Tomb" is another movie adapted from a novel of the same name. The movie would be best categorized as an Adventure, Mystery and Action but the special effects and setting also give it a strong elements of Fantasy which make for a really action-packed, up-beat movie. The film begins with the background of the main family clans involved in Raiding Tombs and how this has been their family business for generations past, and generations to come. Within the tomb, the set comprised of accurate and detailed wooden figures usually accompanying the dead as well as elaborate contraptions, beautiful curated murals and decorations that symbolised the significance of this particular tomb which belonged to a ruler. The film sets actually help to make the whole story feel very consistent and is definitely one of the strongest points of the film. Of course, the design of tomb heavily borrows elements from Ancient Chinese art and architecture as well as Persian. These elements fit very well with the story of the movie.

The tomb design was so befit and realistic looking that it left a very strong impression in me even after the film. It made me think back to a game I used to play published by EIDOS called Tomb Raider which I'm sure everybody has heard of, telling a similar story set in a different era and civilisation. The Tomb Raider movie starring Angelina Jolie was not surprisingly also full of suspense, watching the movie and seeing her reach the end reminded me of all the different levels in Tomb Raider the game. I still get that feeling of exhileration each time I pass a puzzle and advance to a new level.





I feel like I just went on a date to the movies, with the very beautiful @sweetsssj

wow cinephile like me, interesting
you need to do your "top films all time" by @sweetsssj 8]

thats a great idea ! I'm afraid that i might have many asian films on the list which might be difficult for people to find a good copy to watch with subtitles. But, for the sake of introducing some films you may have not heard of, i'll definitely work on my top films post sometime in the future! Thanks for the suggestion gekko!

Hey sweets... Awesome. I was also writing about the movies today.. Although my article is about marijuana films. Is pot culture a thing that side?

Thanks! Um about Pot and it's culture here, I think it very much exists, but it's classified as a severe crime to even use it. So, it's extremely under the radar over here. The Chinese are so use to being under surveillance we almost dare not talk about it..

Looks like I'm adding movies to my watch list.

I didn't know we had movie stars on Steemit. ;)






Me too, 1 movie daily, but older ones, minimum, enjoy!

Are you in any movies? If not you should be. I'd pay to see them and I bet others would too.

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