I'm a What!?!?!?

in #life7 years ago

Hi everyone! I'm here continuing my introduction of Portalling and I!

In this video interview with myself and Joe, you come to see that many of the challenges I personally faced during Portalling since the beginning, especially in my everyday life, is something everyone can relate to in different ways.

I suggest having a listen to this video, taking an introspective listen and hearing some of my experience with myself as well as The Portal. You will be able to relate by asking yourself: "where, how and with who in my life do I actually do and experience the same?"


In this video you will hear about the challenges I faced when going from a social-anxious introvert to being a Portal in a moment. Doing writings and videos for the world out there to start sharing the beings (and so putting myself out there for the world to see and hear :)). Here I'm sure many can relate to moments where you're absolutely confronted with this experience of having nowhere to run or hide but to stand up and change. Yes, sometimes we fall and resist through avoidance and isolation techniques when challenged with our fears and anxieties. This being one of many of the reasons why Portalling also motivates me: to be a living example for people of how to stand up within yourself in the moments you'd expect the least - and surprise yourself! I've learned the most about myself in moments when the unpredictable happened and I decided to change within myself and direct myself, the moment, to the best outcome solution for all involved. Herein, I had come to meet parts of myself I never knew was possible to attain :)


Not that it was easy standing up in that moment when faced with a choice. Don't misunderstand. It took me years of adjusting to walk through my everyday life challenges together with Portalling. I only over time, through many ups and downs, challenges, mistakes, failures, learning, growing and maturing with myself and the beings - learned to live the word BALANCE. You will also learn more about the process I am creating and directing called Redefining and Living Words. Here I share the schematic and practical guidelines of how I learned to redefine myself throughout the years…sometimes even in ONE MOMENT.


This here is one of THE messages I'd like to start opening up: some things inside yourself you have the ability to change in one moment and / or much faster than you ever thought you'd be capable of. I am genuinely impassioned when it comes to showing people (especially when they give up and I can see so much potential of themselves right here in little ways, which they can't access at the time due to being so wrapped up in their own powerlessness): how to see, reach and live their own potential for themselves. A few of the main things I've become aware of in others throughout the years, including myself (even beings in heaven who I meet every day, to this day :) who walked their Life Reviews of the life they had come to live) are:

· The tendency to give of up trying to change for the better or to help themselves because they failed in changing a really deeply ingrained addiction pattern, for example. One of the most difficult patterns to face in one's lifetime, given a severe life threatening case. When defeated by and not attaining ascendancy over their own inner dilemmas and emotional burdens, they create a false idea of who they are as a person overall. Leading to define themselves as powerless and helpless in any and all internal conflicts and emotional traumas they face and stop doing their best to even change the little things inside themselves and their lives they can make a difference in.

· Another consequential outflow from the above-mentioned is that people battle with identifying the difference between difficult and easy patterns / mental issues within themselves over time. Adding to the self belief of everything and anything they face within themselves being too challenging to even try and stand up to and resolve. Then, simply giving up immediately in the face of anything they need to invest some time, patience and self commitment to find a solution for or even ask for help. It becomes easier to just…give up.

· Forcing themselves to the precipice of standing on a self made cliff, where they are consciously reminded of the better self they can be, but continue being a blind follower to their own thoughts and emotions - no matter how detrimental and self destructive they are. Instead of turning back on the path to self forgiveness - they maintain that stressful point within themselves and lives to just just make it through each day, somehow.

· Finally, but not limited to - people not noticing these things in one another. Another skill I have come to acquire throughout the years through exposure to people is: being able to sense people's "tells" the more time I spend with them. This usually comes through in combination of the corner of their eyes, mouth, their voice and their hands interestingly enough. There is a stark expressing of a subconscious tenseness that is unmitigated as the person is trying so force a smile and friendliness, yet experiencing the exact opposite inside themselves.

I'd like to point out that I am not saying EVERYTHING and ANYTHING you're confronted with inside yourself and life is going to change in ONE MOMENT. Each one of us are quite aware of ourselves in being able to cognisize that there are issues affecting your personality and behaviour now that is going to take time and patience to understand and change. Some things take small and significant moments of change, leading up to an eventual one moment of change. Here you're looking at working with deep seated patterns of habits, behaviors, learnt and copied emotional responses form childhood etc. However, there are patterns you deal with in everyday life you are able to change in a moment, because you only recently in your life programmed them into yourself to attempt adapting, coping, managing and/or handling something in your life you didn't have an immediate solution for.

We've become so adept to stressful coping, and in our minds and lives, programming measures of just, just making it through each day, instead of creating solutions and resolving problems. One of the things you'll come to learn about myself and Portalling is, with the special gift of being able to see and access multi-dimensions from this world and the next, is showing you how your mind works, how you can work with it, recover from past perceptions of giving up and learn to change what you can in everyday life, while creating solutions for deep seated patterns and traumas of the past. All leading to the eventual overall achievement of living that better self for real, rather than being maintained as a fantasy in your imagination that's come to haunt your conscience.

As I did: we're all, eventually, going to face the question via a choice in our lives. Who am I? Do I choose a path I have always fantasized about and live out only my desires, or do I walk a path that's right here before me that will challenge me, but at the same time bring me to the better me I've noticed within me but given up on because of I've decided to settle with the least of myself for this life?

All the best
Me :)


thanks suriously you are doing a great job

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