Questions about life.

in #life8 years ago

Can people be illegally blind?

Well actually yes, it says under section 16, proposition A that if a person isn’t precisely three-quarters cross-eyed they’re not legally blind and they can and will be arrested for doing life wrong.

Actually the term ‘legally blind’ doesn’t mean that the blind person is or isn’t following the law, it just means they meet the criteria for being so blind that it’s a disability,

which in most places means they have 20/200 vision or worse as well as some other criteria.

How do animals change colour?

Pretty much the same way humans do, they stay out in the sun for too long and go red, turns out this isn’t exactly smart since it tends to hurt them quite a lot. Well some animals do this by simply growing different fur depending on the season, but others have a bunch of coloured pigments under the skin that get covered or uncovered depending on the colour they want to show off. This is called a chromatophore.

Will Pangaea ever form again?
The continants are in a constant cycle of breaking up and going back into Pangaea, there has been more than one Pangaea and there will be many more to come. The only thing is that it takes millions of years for this cycle to happen, so it won’t happen in our lifetimes.

If stars are formed by a gas , then where does the gas come from?
Most, if not all, of the stars that currently exist are made up from the remains of dead stars, but the plasma and gas that made up the first stars came from the big bang, as for where the big bang comes from, we really don’t know.

Why do Tornados spin?
Tornados form because of a mixture of hot humid air and cold dry air in a very windy thunderstorm. The hot and cold air moves up and down between the top and bottom of the storm and the only way it can do this is by spinning.

Does space have a smell?
Astronauts who just got back from being in space say their space suits have a faint smell clinging to them. Some say it smells like welding fumes, whereas others says it smells like charred meat. This smell probably comes from the remnants of the formation of stars and planets.

How much of our brain do we actually use?
You use precisely 66.6% of your brain, over the course of a day humans use almost 100% of the brains, contrary to the myth saying we only use 10%. Considering how our...your brains consume up 20% of the body's oxygen and sugars this makes sense.

Why does Venus rotate backwards?
Well the current popular theory is that it used to spin like us and due to the strong pull of the sun on its atmospheric tides caused a strong enough friction for it to start spinning the other way.

Do you get wetter if you run or walk in the rain?
Well there's a lot that goes into the answer behind this, but the answer is simple,
walking gets you wetter, as you're out in the rain for longer. But you probably should still walk as tripping over and getting a concussion is much worse than getting a bit wet..