Amateur Radio: An Introduction

in #life7 years ago


What Is Amateur or Ham Radio?

The answer to this seemingly simple question is actually quite complex and involved, but to put it simply Amateur Radio is collection of radio frequency bands that are regulated by the FCC that are used for communication between licensed Ham Radio operators. A Ham Radio operator is able to use these specific radio frequencies, as long as the rules of etiquette and good practice are followed and they are properly licensed, to communicate with others around the world. The are contests, awards and volunteer emergency services that you can join to help in times of natural disaster. The transceivers or radios that are used can operate independently of the internet, cell phone or land line networks and even when the power is out, they can be operated for long periods of time from a car battery. When I received my first Amateur Radio license I was talking to people across the United States, Canada and even England and the Philippines with a $25, hand held radio! Ham Radio is the ability to communicate around the world with out the need of any of the infrastructure on which we are becoming more and more reliant. If you are an avid do it yourselfer or part of the maker community, this the hobby for you! Some of the best programs, equipment and especially antennas are made by Ham Radio operators. The sky is the limit! No seriously! You can talk to satellites, the International Space Station or bounce signals off the surface of the Moon!

Where do I start?

Try to find a Ham Radio club in your area and go to a meeting or contact some of the members and tell them that you are interested in the hobby. Hams love to show you their "Ham Shack" or radio room and take you for a tour around the hobby. Check out the American Radio Relay League for information on Ham Clubs in your area. You can also check out the calendar on the website to see if there are any conventions or field days being put on by the clubs. These are a lot of fun to go to!

You can buy a radio of your own and start listening but before you can start transmitting on your own, you need get a license from the FCC. You will need to pass a test in order to get your first license known as a Technician class License which will give some privileges on the Ham Radio bands. You can then get your General Class which gives many more privileges and finally you can upgrade to your Extra Class License which gives you full privileges on all the Amateur Radio bands. As I said before, the main community for Ham Radio operators in the American Radio Relay League or ARRL. Follow the link to check out the website and find out where tests are being held in your area and information about all things Ham Radio.

What Can I Do With My Radio?

There are many different things that can be done with your Ham Radio here are just a few of them:
-Send and receive voice or phone signals
-Send and receive Morse code signals
-Send and receive emails and text messages
-Send and receive TV signals
-Send and receive digital messages
And much, much more!


This post just barely scratches the surface of what you can do with Ham Radio. If something I mentioned here sparked your curiosity then please check out the ARRL website for more information. There is a life time of information about all aspects of the Ham Radio hobby on the internet and youtube, but the ARRL is great place to start.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed the post, please follow me, check out my other posts and leave your comments below. Whether you agree or not, a lot can be learned from a good conservation!



I am so glad you did this post. Maybe it can become a seed where "Ham radio"community can start to grow ( on steemit that is).
73 de LY1A

That is what I’m hoping! I have an almost infinite number of topics for posts in the future! 73 de KC1IFK

That is good. If we only get enough who reads it. Haming is so a nishe hobby. In the age of global online internet activities it is not nearlyto as it was 40 years ago

In my area we have had a bunch of people get their tickets this year. I think Ham Radio is going to have a resurgence with the “maker” movement and all the new digital modes both keyboard to keyboard and voice. I think that people just have to be exposed and see how much fun it is, how simple it can be and they will catch the ham radio bug!

Hey, could you please let me know what was the reason behind downvoting my post yesterday? Was there something that you found offensive or not appropriate in my song? Thanks

It was an accident. I was listening on my phone and son jumped in my lap and i hit the flag by accident. I’ll go back and upvote your track again because I did like it. I saw it took my upvote away but it wasn’t until I saw your message and checked steemd that I saw it was a down vote.

hey brother thank you so much for replying and liking my track <3 I know mistakes like that happen, I did it sometimes and I had this happening a while ago from another guy. That is why I contacted you. Have a nice day <3

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