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RE: My first resume in english. Need help!
Suggestions in bold:
Programming is a part of my life not just profession.
Programming is a part of my life not just a profession.
I moved from C/C++/C# and PHP at university years to Ruby as a main language today.
I started with C/C++/C# and PHP during my university years and transitioned to using Ruby as my main programming language today.
i think "Programming is a part of my life not just a profession." needs a comma. So...
"Programming is a part of my life, not just a profession."
I could be wrong, as i only have an high school education. :)
No, that looks better! Commas are tricky and many people use them differently (regardless of convention).
Good catch!
Thanks a lot! You are my
saviorHERO!I prefer hero, but thanks!
:) Got it! Thanks)