It Would Appear I'm Writing Again... Social Distancing From Blogging - AKA Excuses Excuses Excuses...
Hey everyone, great to be taking the opportunity to connect with both new friends and old.
I must confess it feels a little strange to be writing again, it's been quite a while since I sat at my trusty P.C and wrote anything, anywhere. I have that nagging doubt that many of you will be all too familiar with, will the words come, what will I write about, will anybody read it?
We really are a doubt-ridden species when you come to think about it, full of neuroses and idiosyncrasies that for the most part even we do not acknowledge. such things operate at a subconscious level and manifest themselves in all manner of weird and wonderful ways.
Oh who the hell am I kidding... Of course the words will come, when was that ever a problem?
But isn't that just the point, we still have irrational doubts and fears even when logic, experience and common sense tell us they are completely unfounded. I have just been struck by a ludicrous notion as I typed and my eye roamed across to the word-count...
The only thing I have referenced so far in this post is that I'm not sure if I will think of anything to say other than, "Hi everyone, I'm still very much alive and kicking, hope you are doing great." and here I am almost 250 words in, as I said already... Ludicrous!
We find ourselves in strange times, right?
It's almost as if we have all had to learn a completely new vocabulary and set of definitions of late. Who remembers the phrase social distancing ever being used before a few weeks ago? The only time a phrase even slightly like that was referred to it was by my family in regard to my inability to respond to a text or call due to my anti-social nature. Lock-down was a fictitious scenario that we could imagine at the outset of a new zombie-virus in the latest hollywood blockbuster movie starring some overpaid actor dude who wore shades and had a cocky attitude and a penchant for driving cars too fast.
I wonder if we will look back in years to come and talk about the great toilet tissue and dried pasta shortages of 2020?
I really didn't want to get in to talking about that today but it feels remiss to write anything without mentioning the current "pandemic", right?
I gotta say I just wanna see life begin to return to normal at this point, is that stating the obvious? Ah but what will normal be? I don't believe for one instant that global governments will relinquish all of the Draconian powers that they have had at their disposal of late. I believe wholeheartedly that we will see a ramping up of the surveillance state all in the name of public protection.
I keep hearing people saying how much we have learned about humans throughout this "crisis" although the accounts cited are at opposing ends of the extremes of human behaviour. I have heard tales of those selfless individuals who put their own safety on the line to go and help others and I have heard of those who opportunistically robbed cars and homes of those who were still working throughout recent events.
We will always find that which we seek in the world if we look for it, be it good or ill examples are everywhere everyday if we chose to see one more than the other, this will colour our experience.
I always try to celebrate those who go the extra mile for others, it is an incredibly attractive quality to behold in another, I always to try to decry those acts that are to be despised, vilified and have a light shone on them. People are people, right? There really is no surprise there I am certain you will agree.
I have worked throughout and so much of my routine has remained unaltered and I gotta be honest I don't go out all that often anyway, I have quite enjoyed seeing the empty roads and spreading of wildlife in to urban areas and lovelovelove the vastly improved air quality.
I have kept abreast of the whistleblowers and data-leaks from within governmental departments and public health agencies and the medical profession in particular and I have a grossly different version of exactly what is happening than the mainstream media are reporting. Again, as is often the case, I have been unsurprised to discover, as with most matters, the data and statistics have been massively skewed also.
I do yearn for things to get back to "normal" quickly, what ever that means. One of the new phrases that will be touted endlessly in print headlines and fast moving news-tickers on the 24 hour TV media stations will be "The NEW Normal!"
Pandemics have always been a fascination of mine, I always related to those graphics that show transmission lines in much the same way as we describe the internet in a digital graphic that show how one computer connects to another and another and another at a staggering and exponentially increasing rate that defies belief. The thing we need to take on-board is that this was an inevitability.
Pandemics are always the most likely cyclical event to have a massive effect on humanity that we are liekly to see.
Oh sure there are a myriad of things that could befall us as a species,
- Cosmic winter.
- Nuclear disaster - Accidental OR deliberate.
- Super volcano.
- Meteor strike.
- Global warming/cooling.
- Polar shift.
I won't go on, I could but I won't. My point is that a pandemic has always and will always be by far the most likely. We should have an instant, immediate, oven-ready protocol for such events. If your home was built in the path or Vesuvius or next to a river prone to flooding, would you have a plan of action in place for when the unexpected happens?
YES of-course you would!
Gah!!! I promised I wasn't going to go down this route in my first post in quite some time. Ah well, I guess now that I have gotten it outta my system I can write about something more fulfilling i the coming days.
I am happy to be writing again, the words have flowed far easier than I could ever have anticipated if truth be told. I sincerely hope you are all well and you have all gotten through the lock-down however it has transpired where you are relatively unscathed and without driving yourself mad.
I came looking for you today, and am happy to see you here! Your discord account has been unresponsive.
"Hi everyone, I'm still very much alive and kicking, hope you are doing great."
That's exactly what I have been hoping to hear. :D
And I'm hoping that you haven't bought into the agenda-driven, universally parroted media propaganda that colloidal silver is ineffective!