Is John Roberts Sweating Bullets?

in #life7 years ago

Source: Anonymous Conservative

House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes is considering speaking with the Supreme Court Chief Justice over the newly revealed surveillance abuse by the FBI.

On Wednesday, Congressman Nunes said FISA judges may have been misled by the previous administration into issuing spy warrants against the 2016 Trump campaign.

Nunes is now seeking to discuss the matter with Chief Justice John Roberts, who is in charge of appointing judges to the Surveillance Court.

Our next step with the courts is to make them aware, if they’re not aware already, that this happened by watching the news, so we will be sending a letter to the court, said Nunes.

The House Intelligence chairman said he may ask both the Supreme Court and the Surveillance Court for a testimony before the House Intelligence Committee to discuss the violations as well as a path forward.

Yeah, John. Come on in, we just want to talk with you. Don’t worry about the oath, it is just pro forma. Now, tell us about all the Deep State shitbaggery you engaged in, and name all your co-conspirators, or we will nail your ass for treason and perjury, using the NSA archives we now control.

There are two things I view this in the context of. One, Obamacare had been ruled unconstitutional. The Justices voted, Scalia wrote the opinion, and it was a done deal. Suddenly after the vote was done, Roberts calls up Kennedy and proposes they both shift their votes, so instead of being voted down 5-4, Obamacare would be affirmed, 6-3. Kennedy declined, and suddenly Roberts switched his vote, inexplicably. Scalia didn’t even bother to rewrite the majority opinion he authored, to change it from the format of a majority opinion to a minority opinion, some thought as a protest of a compromised decision. Scalia subsequently was found dead, according to reports, “with a pillow over his head.” No autopsy, declared natural on the spot, immediate cremation, and case closed. Think they talked about his case in their little ad-hoc secure video-conference in that SCIF in Comey’s office?

The other thing I think of when I read this is the fact that the FISA judge (appointed by Roberts) granted the warrants on the illegal Trump surveillance, they never consulted the FISA Court Advisor on privacy issues, and the judge has not imposed any consequences on the individuals who sought the fraudulent warrant.

In short, it looks an awful lot like both Roberts and the FISA judge he appointed were compromised by the Deep State. If they were, now their masters are either dead or in the wind and going to deny everything anyway, Trump has the full NSA database with all the communications from the past fifteen years, and they are being sucked into a House Intelligence committee investigation, where they will be put under oath, and they could be asked anything. And they have no idea what Trump and Co already know, in perhaps the greatest conspiracy ever to be launched against the United States of America.

On top of that, they are probably under 24/7 surveillance right now, with the full suite of the most advanced surveillance tech the US has to offer, with a team actually listening to them breathing every moment of every day, so if they try to reach out to their handlers to ask what to do, they will be doing it under the watchful eyes of the God Emperor. Are they cut off and alone, caught red handed in high treason?

Soon they will walk into that Congressional Committee room, hold up their hand, promise to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and try to figure out what the hell they are going to do to save their own asses.

I am still not tired of all this winning the God Emperor is granting us.

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