What do Einstein, Pink Floyd, Noam Chomsky and the Trilateral Commission have in Common?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school." - Albert Einsten

Albert Einstein, Pink Floyd, Noam Chomsky and the Trilateral Commission agree that Education is a System of Indoctrination of the Young.

If you haven't heard Chomsky on Education - this is a MUST SEE 7 minute video!

Our education system trains us to be obedient, conformists, not to think too much, stay passive, don't ask questions, not to be creative and to complete all of the stupid tests and assignments that they place in front of us. It conditions us to be obedient slaves for the elites and to stop thinking for ourselves - that means ROBOTS!

Please stop dumbing us down and just allow us reach our true potential - is that too much to ask?.

We are much more than just Another Brick in the Wall.

We Don't Need no Education. We Dont' Need No Thought Control - Pink Floyd

State of Mind peels back the covers and takes a close look at the education system and the role that the Tavistock Institute plays in controlling the global education system - highly recommend - even if the creator is a NWO shill.

Homeschool your children - it is very challenging to find a more worthwhile pursuit, and legacy in life than to educate, and spend more time with your very own children - and it's not as difficult as you think it might be - find a way to make it work - steemit, and other forms of stay-at-home passive income generation is a great place to start!

Think outside of the box/paradigm that the elites want to keep you in - you MUST push through that barrier and come out the other side!

We are talking about your children after-all, and the time that you spend with your kids today will bear fruit long after you have moved on - the time that you invest today can last for generations - if you do your job right!

I encourage you to get off of the treadmill that society tells you that you should be on and invest much more time into educating your kids on the really important things in life. Your life, and theirs will be so much richer for it - I promise!

If homeschooling seems too much of a stretch at this stage then at least make a commitment to switch off the tv, facebook etc and find much more time for your kids, today. Ask them questions about what happened at school today (not lip-service) and don't be discouraged if they push-back for a little while - it takes time to build a genuine, life-long relationship - trust is earned and it takes time to develop. Stay engaged and committed to the process.

Your kids love you (never forget that), they seek a relationship with you, they need you - all that your kids want from you is your time, support, attention and unconditional love - is that too much to ask?

You will be greatly rewarded for investing more time into your kids - in ways that you can't even begin to imagine.

Give your kid a hug and kiss right now and tell them that you love them and that you will ALWAYS be there for them!

Start building a great relationship with your kids right now.

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All comments, upvotes and follow's are greatly appreciated. They will help me to keep sharing insightful content! Thank you for reading my post and for giving me some of your valuable time today!


If parents are unable to homeschool children we need to talk to them about what they learned at school everyday and teach them critical thinking skills at home. I always ask my children what they have been learning and try to encourage challenging the unquestionable teachers. I have and will continue to make sure my children are capable of thinking on their own and to not just accept something as fact because someone told you that its true.

The government is not our friend and does not have our best interests at hand. They have special interests at hand who have introduced failed school ideas such as common core. I for one will not be the one to let my children slip into this mindless world of acceptance to the status quo set forth by elitist scum who do not know how my children learn, what they enjoy learning about and what's best for their particular learning styles.

Thanks for the post and I hope to see more insightful thinking from you and others on steemit.

I'm a parent of two, I wish I had the ability to homeschool my kids, but since my wife and I both have to maintain full time jobs for the health, comfort and safety of our kids. So, I constantly teach my kids to question everything and everyone including myself. Everyday that I pick my kids up from the after school program I ask them the same things, "what did you learn in school today?" followed by asking them for their personal insight on it. So far my kids are great kids, but they are young so my job as a parent is not even close to done and I too am learning from them how to be a better role model as I see them becoming more and more like me in many ways.

I have a Brady bunch type of a family. Between the two of us we have 6 kids ranging from 2 to 12. We as well both work and it is challenging to keep up with all aspects of their education. The very FACT that you have gone just this far shows you are a much more active parent then a lot of even stay at home parents. One thing I've learned is that even what you may feel as a small portion of what you may be capable of doing if you had more free time will affect your children far more than you might first image. Keep up the good work and it will pay off in the end when your children grow up into productive adults who can see the world for what it truly is.

One last thought... A parents role never ends no matter how old the kids get. They will still need your guidance and wisdom well into their adult lives.

It sounds like you're off to a great start and that you're a very committed parent. That's awesome!

Thanks for the reply. You've added value to the discussion and that's great. It seems that you are awake and know what's going on in the world.

Your children are lucky to have you as a parent.

Keep asking those questions - there is a lot of deprogramming that needs to be done as part of every child's homework routine and parents need to take the leading role.

Welcome to steemit.

Thank you for your reply and compliment!
I do have one extra advantage over most of the nation when it comes to school because I reside in the great state of Texas. Texas has refused the common core indoctrination process for which I am greatful of.

I personally come from California where my schools (at least at the time) were some of the poorest rated schools in the nation. As a child, school never really "did it" for me. I ended up not really going to high school and at this point I am glad I didn't. There are some small downfalls from choosing that path obviously, like when It comes to grammar and writing. However intellectually I am rarely challenged by those grammar Nazi's that have never had an original thought in their lives.

I feel that critical thinking is a natural skill for most of us that is destroyed in the public school system. Look, listen, regurgitate and obey is the only real fundamentals taught to children. My lack of following this path seems to be an advantage over the average person these days.

Thank you for the welcome!

You nailed it and I never would have guessed that you didn't go to college. You are more intelligent than 99% of the population.

Your comment reminds me of these quotes.

"The world is full of educated derelicts" ~ Calvin Coolidge

"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it" ~ Henry Ford

School never did it for me either.

Follow your heart and your dream. You couldn't do much better than psychology and philosophy IMHO. I've listened to Stefan quite a few times and while I don't agree with him on everything (which is ok) he is definitely adding value, waking people up and he has touched more people than I have so I can't, and wont knock him. The more critical thinking the better I say.

It sounds to me like you want to wake people up and I believe that there are many ways to do that so kudos to you.

I noticed that you're relatively new to steemit and that you've liked some of my comments (I appreciate it) but not the original post. I've only been here a week myself but I think that's it's good for your account to like the original post so that you can avail yourself of some curation dollars. I'm not pushing you to do that I assure you but I don't want you to miss out either. Just letting you know a bit about steemit works.

hahaha well thank you. I have attended some college various points in my life and I've been thinking about trying it again. Human phycology and philosophy have really been something that has perked my interest in the last year or so.

I've met some of intelligent people throughout my life and have tried to show them alternative means of thinking and this lie we all live in to no avail. This cognitive dissidence is so strong with even relatively intelligent people that I want to find ways to break down these pseudo walls that have imprisoned so many minds.

Philosophy caught my mind when I stumbled upon a man named Stephan Molyneux on youtube. Just by listening to how he analyses situations or life in general showed me that there are ways to break down arguments instead of throwing talking points at opposing talking points. To me combining this strategy with some knowledge of how the human mind works might me to help wake up more people that are more resistant then others when presented with reality.

I do happen to enjoy those quotes as well by the way hahah

I love Chomsky.

Love Chomsky but some people say Einstein was a plagiarist-I wouldn't know.

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