Productivity Shaming - When Insanity Is The New Sanity
“We are a nation of sheep, and
someone else owns the grass.”
― George Carlin
Sleep ain’t for the weak. Hustle culture is being cancelled. Go back to bed. It takes a special kind of crazy to glamorize workaholism - and Im afraid most of us are just that. We’re capitalism’ little bitch, we’ll bend over backwards to comply to her every demand all day long. Worse, we’re so used to her manipulation and gaslighting that it has become our normality. Therefore, anyone who doesn’t fit into our twisted view of the world is seen as not normal.
Isn’t the real abnormal person the one who can’t realize that what he thinks he “wants” has been imposed and forced on him all along? In other words, society is so bad of a bitch she made you think that hustling your way to your deathbed is the one and only way.
She wants you to feel shameful when you have too much time on your hands. Guilty when you rest for too long. And it works like magic, doesn’t it? Ahh, gotta love being capitalism’ little bitch! Leisure time should be deserved. This fucked up narrative has been drilled deep into your mind that it’s no wonder you feel like a useless piece of shit when you’re not doing enough, whatever the hell that means.
Money, value, purpose, ambition, these words are thrown around like never before. What about empathy, healing, emotions, mental health? Oh I forget. What doesn’t make it into society’s agenda surely doesn't make it into ours either.