Harmful Health Effects Of Lead
Lead is classified as one of the heavy metals that are very dangerous for human bodies. We can get exposed to lead in many ways, such as the air that we breathe, the food that we drink, the water that we consume, the lead-based paint in our house and our environment. This dangerous heavy metal enters our body and gets into our bloodstream. Lead can cause a condition called lead poisoning and also pose severe toxicity in our body.
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Previously lead was used in crockery when people didn’t know the terrible effects of it. Later after the toxicity of this substance was discovered, it was slowly wiped out. The lead was also previously used for piping purposes. Drinking water from these pipes used to have the high concentration of lead, and by drinking that water lead used to enter the bodies. Even today in some places of the world, lead is being used for piping purposes. It’s not only harmful to us, marine life can also be exposed to lead in the water and the heavy metal can deposit in their tissues. When we consumed that seafood, we can directly get exposed to the accumulated lead in the marine animals. It can also be present in the paints at our home. That is why it’s recommended that we shouldn’t stay in freshly painted rooms.
Some people even associated the fall of the great Roman empire to lead poisoning. The gargantuan empire faced a terrible fall. Some scientists and historians say that the Romans used lead for their piping, and for most of their crockery to eat in, as the lead was considered a good valuable metal.
Some reviewers have also said that the character of the Mad hatter in the movie Alice in Wonderland is also a portrait of lead poisoning. Interesting stuff, right?
It has been called a silent killer. The reason is that the symptoms of lead poisoning usually aren’t expressed quickly. In fact, the toxicity builds up chronically and we don’t realize that it’s harming our body from the inside.
The concentration of lead in the blood should be zero. However, if today we test the blood samples of different individuals, we will find astounding concentrations of lead in their blood, far above the standard limits.
To bring the things in perspective, here are some of the most dangerous health effects of lead that you must be aware of :
- Causes Pica
Pica is a health condition in which the patient is attracted towards eating inedible things, that human beings are not supposed to eat. This usually occurs in children especially, in which they may start eating dirt, chalk and even the paint scrap offs. Even the paint chips can contain lead in it, which causes further poisoning. Lead poisoning can create such conditions. - Cause of autoimmunity
Autoimmunity is a condition in which our body’s defense cells start to mistake our own body cells as foreign objects. Therefore, they start killing our own body cells. This condition could be dangerous, and it can give rise to several diseases, such as diabetes, arthritis, lethargy, lupus, and even cold and flu. Lead is known to cause several autoimmune diseases. - Mood swings
Lead poisoning can cause severe behavioral disorders, including severe mood changes. The people can become more aggressive, irascible and unfriendly. They usually start remaining sad, depressed and in the bad mood which itself is not good for health. This condition can occur due to lead poisoning, especially in children, who may start losing their temper very often. To understand this simple, lead poisoning can impact our nervous system and a reflex of something being wrong in our body is expressed through our behavior, especially in children. - Damages Fetus health
It can have severe impacts on the development of a fetus inside the mother. If the mother is exposed to high concentrations of lead, it can affect the brain and body development of the baby, and can also potentially cause a disability. The lead can also travel from the mother into the fetus through the placenta, causing lead poisoning in the unborn baby. - Eating disorder
Lead poisoning can induce eating disorders. A patient usually stops feeling the need to eat when it’s time to eat. That can cause damage to health on a secondary level as well. Due to this loss of appetite, the patient can lose weight significantly and get deprived off some essential nutrients that we need on regular basis. - Reduces IQ
Lead poisoning can decrease the cognitive abilities and IQ in the individuals. Previously, it was thought that lower levels of exposure to lead were safe. However, it is now known that even the lower concentration of lead can cause severe impacts on the nervous system and brain. Specifically, in children, it is known to cause a reduction in their IQ levels. It can deteriorate their intelligence and also their academic performance. - Can be Lethal
Acute lead poisoning can occur due to ingestion of high concentrations of lead in a short amount of time, which can result in death. In cases where the patient somehow survives after the exposure to high levels of lead, there is still a high probability that after such an intense exposure, the patient will face mental and brain damage along with severe behavioral changes.
The reason lead poisoning is more severe in children is that an adult body may be able to tolerate a minimum amount of lead. However, even a little amount of lead will be enough to have impacts on children due to their smaller body size. The good news is that Lead poisoning is completely preventable. However, a lot of people around the world are exposed to high concentrations of lead, due to lack of access to clean drinking water, lenient rules and regulations, and lack of health literacy.
Please note that individual results will vary from person to person. All and any information and statements contained in this article are not intended to replace your doctor’s advice or treatment. We do not provide medical advice, prescription, or diagnose illness. Therefore, our views and nutritional statements are not intended to replace your doctor’s medical advice. If you have a health concern or condition, see your doctor before starting anything on your own.
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Thanks for sharing, people need to understand that health is wealth. Understanding how to make healthy life choices will extend your quality of life.
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An information a didn´t know. Thank you so much for this post.
good artikel and good work concerning the lead poisining.
I would say maybe it's the pendant to microplastic !