When did we forget our passion,dreams?
We used to prays and now we had forgotten all about it.
When we think back we are able to achieve our goal without having bumping into obstacles.
As times passes we are blinded by lots of things. For example new gadgets, news, fame, pride.
These 'obstacles ' influences our daily life's and we are unaware always blaming on these days that not enough.
We see to believe in miracles because we have high hope in what we are doing. Now we are worried because others see what we do differently. We don't want it because 'pride' tell us! A person does not live for others but for themself and this has been altered. Because we take highly of others eye sight or views, they say or everyone says, they think, all these is others saying and we take it as highly as we we are becoming looking down on ourself.
So after listening this I just realised I am one of that person. I need to change,I need to listen to myself. Not worrying of others saying.
The link is not mine but just a link for all those who want to become themself again. A reminder music to our conscious.