in #life7 years ago


There are no limits in what you can achieve but there are limits in what you can believe if you choose to lock up your mind.

The process of locking your mind is a sad one. When you lock your mind and give the worlds the keys then you can call yourselfm a sheep.

But if you choose to be different than the herd and you have bold visions then you can call yourself something else that is too good to put it in a box.

Most people give up the authority of themselves to other people, this is an trend nowdays. Look at the goverment, these things couldn´t exist if humans grew up and stopped looking parent figure to controll them.

If you want´t to do anything different than the norm in nowdays society you got to seperate yourself from teachers and naysayers because these are the people who will bring up any problem for every solution.

Train your mind to only focus on what is helping you. This can become a habit and it can become a lifestyle.

Everytime someone tries to use your mind as an toilet you can´t lock it because hat would be wrong. Never lock your mind for someone that is destructive towards yourself because you then not only stop yourself from being open minded but you also stop yourself from adaptibility.

What you can do is design the entrance to your mind a certaint way they don´t understand. When you do this you attract like minded people and dissipate the naysayers.

This is the rule of magnetism, what you create will decrease something else. In this case the the chance of negative minded people entering your mind.

How do you change the enterance of your mind?
Step one: Be on another level of existence. This is important listen me closely. You got to exist in another realm, the one of your vision. That is the place no one else can see but yourself and thats also the place only you and no one else can make reality. This is a secret weapon, not against you but against yourself because if you don´t use it, that weapon can be flipped against you really quick.

Step two: Think what you want to think rather than what you have to think. Sounds easier than it is, right? You walk out of your home and someone spits on you, what can you do? Imagine that person has the ability to make you twenty times stronger with every particle of his spit. YES you got it now, that is the true secret to confidence, not what you see that you are but rather what you create to be.

Step Three: Detach yourself from other peoples shit. Humans like to make a trash dumb out of everything, you already know that ;) . So don´t let other peoples problem be your problem. Most of the dilemma is considerable only created by F.E.A.R. = FALSE.EVIDENCE.APPEARING.REAL.

Problems can be solved easily but its not easy to stop creating them. How do you create them? By putting all your energy on the negative and making an drama out of an lama. If the lama spits on you, follow step two from above.

Some people live like super-mario, along their way they step on everybody without giving a single f*ck. Don´t do goverment kids… or you will end up like this. View life as an game but also know that every game has its own rules. Some rules are real and some are only in our minds. The rules of the universe for example are real, but rules of society are faker than the politicians that you give your power to.

The good thing is, when you uplift your mind, you no longer be availible to the illusion. You can be locked in a cage but if your mind is right, you feel free as a bird. Because no force on earth is greater than a mans vision. They can lock you up, they can call you crazy, they can take your money. But what they can´t take is the heart of a warrior and because you´ve got so far in this article the possibility of you having massive understanding of life is big. Congratulations.

Do you have a mind of an warrior?



I really hope you this motivated you. I put alot of soul and passion into this and if you like you can go deeper into the wisdom on my blog:

This is my first motivational video, I had no experience with editing before. Share this with your friends and family so they´ll be empowered!





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