Color of the Future
I've been Around for Just over 40 years and was Thinking about many Years ago.
When I think about The Simple 80's life .. Like getting a Cola with Friends or Listening to People discuss things. Going for Bike Rides Exploring and meeting other Kids, the World seemed to Be in a different Color. My Parents Owned a Lodge on the Beach when I was Little. People would Come and Stay and over the Years, friendships would Build. I would often Play on the Beach and Remember being totally relaxed Watching Boats go by and People having fun Enjoying themselves. So many new toys to play with and lots of exciting TV shows. Lots of Colors and Warm feelings all Over. Life for me was just starting and the Eighties provided me with an Experience that Birthed in me Great Expectations for the Future.
I remember the 90's being very Different than the 80's but still it had a Color of Ambition and Newness that caused me many different Joys. I got Married and had many different friends that had similar Desires and Plans. There was an Innocence in the air. We would Eat at many different Restaurants and just Feel the Vibe or go to the Bay near the Ocean and Rollerblade or visit the Park and Sight-see the various Attractions. Life was full of Interaction that brought me a sense of being a part of the People around me like a type of Synchronicity.
Then the 2000's came... What a time of newness, A new Millennium... another Color in Time! People began to Shake off the past 100 years and embrace the Technological Revolution that was beginning to Rumble in the News and in our Daily lives with the New Flip Phones and Faster PC's. Nobody knew where we were Headed. But it didn't Matter, Everything was so Fascinating and the World was getting so much smaller. Food was becoming more Diverse. Reality TV was dominating every Channel. Life was Roaring by. Everybody was Buying a Home. I remember trying to Adjust to the many different Options being given me.. So many choices so many Decisions, it was very Unique to the past couple of Decades I'd lived.
Now I live in a small City of about a 100,000 People. I live on a busy Street and Watch a lot of People Walking and Driving by. It all seems so Different now. We're In the Middle of the 2010's which feel like a Transitioning Color it seems. I guess what I mean is, I look at these People walking by. A lot of Drunkards, Meth Heads, Kids with Backpacks that are Enormous, Hardly any kids Playing in their yards. The parks near by are well used but People seem more Distant and Withdrawn. The Roads are insane to Drive on. People honk at each other Constantly. Many people are very Rude and Selfish. It seems that I haven't really felt the Synchronicity of the past. It's as though the color of Life is a Dark Brown... or a Melding of Color that's distorted peoples lives in a way that I just can't seem to see clearly enough to put my finger on. It may just be a Changing Period where People are Digesting their own Realities, like a Hangover Period from the last 30 years or so. That's the sense that I'm feeling.
I wonder what the Future Color of Life will be. I imagine 2022.. just 5 short years away. I Surmise a time where Cryptocurrency is known and used by most if not all. I see driverless cars, Drone Deliveries, Facial Recognition, Implantable Microchips, Space Travel as a more Realistic Prospect, Intelligent Pharmaceutical Medicines, Internet of Things connecting all our Appliances and Utilities, and the list goes on. What Color do you Think of when you look into the 2020's and far Beyond? Let me know your thoughts. :)
I miss the end I grew up in the early 90's things were as bad as now but I wouldn't mind seeing the 80/90 comeback. but we must look to the future of technology
5 element in my ideals as technology i believe the country is heading
everything will become digital (Digital Age) as for as money goes. flying cars do exist but not being advertise until we get the cyborg thing finish.
Thanks for your Comment and Re-Steem. I appreciate it. Imagine Flying Cars .. Things Whizzing above your Head all over the Place. Interesting.
I know your blog share a lot in common with my mindset I would like to hear more
especially how you remember the 80's (Im a 80's fanatic, either that or nostalgia but I miss those ideals)
The Eighties to me was a Time where people were very much Alike. Most people wore the same Clothes held the Same Values. People Didn't have as hard a time finding Good Jobs. People were Very Relaxed. It was a Party Atmosphere.. in the sense that People enjoyed Socializing and Visiting at each others Homes for Dinner Parties and there Wasn't as Much Fear of Judgement by Strangers. Everything Seemed more Durable with Regards to Objects and Tools or Even Cars. Very Down to earth Feel when You went to a Restaurant or Shopping. There were a lot of Mom and Pop Shops back then Where you would Build a Rapport with the Owners. People Seemed a lot more Engaging. The Technology that was Beginning to Show itself lent an Excitement to the average Person, there wasn't much Fear of it... it was a very exciting thing. Things like Camping and Hiking were More Intimate. There'd be Public Barbecues at Rest Stops. Just an Amazing Decade. I was just a kid then.. so it has an appeal and Reality that is Personal for that age, but Generally that's all I can tell you.
Well said

this decade is similar only without the party atmosphere but more of a workforce atmosphere on every corner there is an office kind of like the city is one huge cubical
In the eighties, people were active, because we didn't have so much advance technology that so much done without moving. Now most people stay home and don't talk to each other, We new our neighbors in the eighties and they knew how to have fun
I miss fun