What It Means To Be A Man – Spencer Coffman

The concept of being a man is something that has been lost in the last two generations. Men are gradually losing their manhood and forgetting what it means to be men.
They are becoming sissies, leaving their families, and getting pushed over, because they are more concerned about their feelings than doing what’s right.
They are becoming spineless and it is as if Caspar Milquetoast is now the norm instead of someone to be laughed at. Click here to continue reading
Take The First Step – Become A Man Of God
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Thank you,
Spencer Coffman
Your description of a man seems era bound.
These days diplomacy by government has averted many wars. Their era was that of man power and ours brain power.
But many today will go an extra mile for their family and true friends but for the country? I cant say.
Of course, the description is era bound. However, the principles and displays of character are lacking in the men of today. Basic things like reliability and trust are harder to come by.
I believe that when the young men came back from the war they learned something of amazing value. They learned that if you can't count on someone with your life then you can't count on them at all. Therefore, they lived their lives so that others would be able to count on them.
It seems to me that this level of dedication and commitment isn't as common among the younger generations. People are always showing up late, missing appointments, forgetting about meetings, et cetera.