Tell Me Your New Years Resolution Mine is Simply Stay Positive and Use "The Secret"
New Years Resolutions
Most people will try making a ridiculous resolution that they know they can not keep. This year mine is to simply to stay positive. So much can be achieved by simply keeping a good mood about things. Some may not believe in "The Secret" but it is simply putting out good thoughts into the universe and watching them come back.
"The Secret"
My own brother after watching the documentary on "The Secret" started to think positive and imagined the things he wanted in life. He ended up losing 50lbs, having a child, and has progressed in his job. All he did was imagine these things in his head and stayed positive. I managed to do quite the same thing. I imagined get a 4 core desktop with a graphics card, fixing a broken laptop, having a usb gamepad and improving my tech skills. All of these have come true.
It Can Work For You!
There is no real limit to your potential. Just start off by making a list of things you want to accomplish or obtain. Don't sell yourself short either, you are only limited by your desires. After making a list of goals hang them up on the fridge or write them down on a bulletin board. Every day read them and imagine yourself obtaining those goals. It is not going to be instant but eventually you will notice yourself gaining and obtain better and better things from your list.
Stay Greatful
Also one very important thing is to be grateful for the things your have. If you are ever feeling down just stop and take the time to write a "Gratitude List". You can put that on the fridge or bulletin board next to your goals. This will keep you positive and not focused on the things you don't have in a negative way. Soon enough you may see some of the things on your "Wants List" moving onto your "Gratitude List". I also took the advice of having a gratitude rock/stick. Mine is a miniature wooden baseball bat on my keychain. Every time you touch this item just tell yourself something you are grateful for.
Let Me Know How it Goes
I would love to hear if anyone has success with your New Years Resolution. If you try practicing "The Secret" let me know how that goes too. I wish to share some positive stories with my friends here on steemit. I feel as though sometimes humans like to focus on the negatives in life which is not productive.
So Remember Stay Positive Keep Those Resolutions and Always.................

Feel free to email me at [email protected]
Mine is going to bed early :P
I'm off to a very bad start lol
Last night shouldn't count for that one. Thats is something a lot of us should probably be doing.