Another post:

in #life6 years ago

So here I am, again. I've made progress with my health issues and am just now getting back on my feet. I've kept an eye on Steemit, but haven't made any significant posts or investments. 

I've been thinking more about writing, and Steemit might be a reasonable forum for this, although I don't know that I have the time for the full-length, detailed editing that usually goes into my scientific writing. Perhaps I should use a post length as a means of forcing myself to write? How about 200 words per post per day? 

I like making videos, and my recording setup is much better organized than it once was, but where should I post? DTube clearly isn't reasonable since the videos are routinely deleted. I do like the formatting of YouTube, and the relative ease of finding an audience, but I'm not fond of YouTube and Alphabet's tendency toward censorship. (They aren't necessarily going to censor me, but the principle of it bothers me.) BitChute? Maybe I should cross post in YouTube and BitChute? Would I be considering YouTube at all if it weren't that my videos seem to have recently found a following? 

I should comment about Steem and my view of the recent price drop. Even at $0.35, I think this value is still a little high compared to what it should be. I'm looking to invest, but not until prices are around $0.20. (My $100 invested at $1.70 was foolish, but I learned a great deal playing with this money.) I do believe that the value of Steem will rise, but only once the coin becomes useful. It has a great deal of potential, but I have yet to see anyone take positive strides toward recruiting and keeping users. 


I was wondering what's up with you...
Glad to hear that ur ok.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks. I appreciate knowing that you were thinking of me.

Currently, I'm surviving, and trying to get back on my feet. The worst of the storm is over, now I just need to clean up the mess left behind.

I wish you well! I don't know you,but my gut tells me you are a great person! Just don't give up...

Posted using Partiko Android

I couldn't tell you much about the value of steem, but where it concerns content producing a good rule of thumb is to go with what can be consistent. If that's video start there and gradually increase the frequency of text articles if that's what you want.

As for the platform, the fact that it is the internet means that the consequences are quite reduced. It's probable that not making it big on any of the platforms will have little to no drastic consequence on your life. Thus I'd say try them all and see which is or are best.

All the best.

I'm glad to see your situation is improving and you're back to posting, we can never have enough fine logical reasoning here on STEEM.

As for YouTube, its just an unfortunate victim of Google's monetization system that relies on the approval of advertisers. In this case "Free Is Not Freedom" for both Google and the users of YouTube, unfortunately.
Some of YouTube's tiny alternatives like Dailymotion and Veoh are still around, but they are very limited in their free offering and have zero discoverability. Now that I think about it, all YouTube alternatives (including crypto ones) basically boil down to off-site hosting that you have to link to -- none of them is a viable alternative in terms of attracting an audience.

And as for the crypto bear market, lots of folks hoped the bottom would appear sooner -- including the large financial institutions, that's why so many of them announced crypto initiates during the extended trend lull, with most of them now on hold. Everyone hoped for faster regulation and who could have predicted the BCH flame war nonsense that was definitely the catalyst for the last large confidence drop? I've invested at a higher price as well, but remembering the mantra "Don't invest what you can't afford to lose" I didn't overstretch myself. I suppose I should have also practised the "Don't try to catch a falling knife" and "Follow the trend, the trend is your friend" rules.

As for recruitment, there has been a lot of discussion surrounding the topic, particularly now that Steemit Inc has had to downsize, but personally I support the view of industry leaders outside of STEEM that say "being associated with crypto is no longer enough to be attractive, we need economically and functionally superior dApps". That's just the reality of the situation. It's a marketing education staple that "most people want comfort or monetary gain first and only then choice (freedom)".

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