RE: Back in Canada
you sound like me speaking, well, apart from coming at it from a very different perspective.
But I say the line
when the average family can't afford to buy the average home something's got to give.
all the time
But people just can't get it.
I don't know whether you know much of what's happening in Australia, but I have a friend, who is an artist like I am, and a single woman, and has a mortgage of 375 thousand AUD
In what world is that possible?
one with very low interest rates that's for sure.
And the people who just blithely assume that one is crazy to point out that every pension fund in the world, state run and private, is technically insolvent after a decade of ZIRP, and now NIRP too
All in a ridiculous state with riskier and riskier investments chasing yield.
All naked when the tide goes out, as are every country and every central bank too.
All the toxic waste still smoulders away
anyhow, nice shots, that first piece of art in the airport must be a spectacular experience in the flesh.
glad to have discovered you