How to Turn Your Weakness to Strength

in #life5 years ago (edited)
There are times that we are ashamed of ourselves and we just want to get rid of a bad habit or a weakness that is on our mind constantly and has prevented us from furthering our development. We go on a circle never to reach our destination because we don't know how to remove the obstacle that is this weakness.

Weakness comes in different forms, some are not even know by us and we don't even know they exist. Sometimes, it is through encounter with other people that we realize that we had them all along and now we are faced with it right in the face and we don't know what to do. Other times, weaknesses are known to us and we are self aware that they exist, but we ignore them and don't want to deal with them because dealing with them means that we have to lose a part of ourselves that we are not ready to say good buy to. This makes it difficult to change as a person.
Whether You want to deal with your weakness or just leave it be, you must know that there are other ways of dealing with them. Those weaknesses come from a moment that someone told you you cant do this or they don't believe that you are strong enough to accomplish something and you believed them. They did this with either sarcasm or their eyes or behaviors. Close your eyes for a moment and try to and remember those moments of your life. Look how many you have.
Most of the time it is our loved ones that cause these sorts of weaknesses. This is because we unconsciously want their love and support so we accept their judgments as truth, but this is far from it. Remember that people generally desire to influence and their inherent desire to influence does not benefit you. Most of the time they think that if they can't do it or if this is not possible in their opinion, they don't see anyone do it not just you, anyone. If you could travel to an alternate universe, that same person could be different and they could tell you that you can actually do it. Do you really want the universe to play you like that?? In one universe, this person tells you that you cant and in the other you can. What I try to say is that this universe is a mess and doesn't care what you do, just do whatever makes you happy and fulfilled. THIS IS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS.
If you believe in reincarnation, we came here so many times so the worry about time has a reverse effect in my opinion and it makes people waist it. If someone tells you that time is only an illusion and you have all the time in the world, what would you do? you would not care that much abut people and you would come to know how the universe plays tricks on you to make you lose your temper or a part of you that you like.


When you determine the weakness that you want to turn to a strength. Focus and think about it for a while, just think and think. When you reached to the very core of the weakness, now its time to imagine it as a part of yourself, as a person, as someone you can talk to and negotiate. So, imagine that you are in a dark room with two chairs, there is no one in this room and there is a small ray of light that separates the two chairs. You sit down in front of the weakness you envisage as a person. Look at it, is this person looks like you? Does this person looks like a loved one? Whoever looks like, doesn't matter. You just look at it, this person can't talk, not if you don't allow it to. Imagine this person to look like a like a robot, a creation of your own imagination that you have control. You can't not fully see the robot just can hear her voice. Know that this being talks like a robot and does not have any consciousness. Now ask what does it want from you and give her permission to talk.
It might come to your surprise that you understand that all weaknesses come from neglecting a part of yourself that was more sensitive and needed more attention and love. The robot will tell you this. The fact that you didn't paid attention to yourself at a certain moment when you should have. You knew it was wrong of you to do it, but you did it anyway.
Now ask the robot why did you do it? why did you neglect that part of yourself ?. The robot might tell you that all this came from fear and desire to be strong without effort or not in the right way. Ask the robot whatever comes to your mind and hear the answers carefully. When you are done and have nothing else to discover about this weakness, ask the robot what should be done now?

The robot might tell you that you should face it. Now ask the robot to go back to that moment when you neglected a part of yourself out of fear. It might not be a nice scene, but its ok. Prevent yourself from losing control.Know that the robot is your friend and is here to help you. So, let go and be yourself for a moment. Let go of the mask you wear in order to hide your wounds. See your self in that moment with all your past wounds, all your fears and all the bad shit that you experienced which affected you. Now, stand alongside the robot and watch the scene unfold together, watch yourself suffer many times like a movie but live. The robot will play it back and forth. Allow yourself to watch those moments when the hurt is at its peak and watch it several times until you feel that it does not have any power over you, it does not control you. Take mental notes of what you could have done differently and tell the robot. When you are done, the robot will telepathically tell you this message " This is only one version of you in this universe and it doe not define you as a multi-dimensional being on a grand scale of things".
Now the robot has a gift for you, its a ball of light for your good effort of trying to face your fears. The excitement of discovery of mysteries of this universe, that nothing is written and you make you own destiny. A ball of creative expression and a road of discovery of a new world, a new vision for tomorrow. Leave those dark places behind, leave those memories behind and discover the magnificence of this world, discover the beauty of every particle and that anything is possible. You are born again with a gift of a strength that is your own and no one else, with the power to change your world.

Remember that if you don't deal with it now, you have to come back again and repeat the lesson and it only going to get worse and remember that every time you face your fears, the robot in that dark room has a gift for you waiting to give it to you.
Image resource: 1, 2,3, 4

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