What about the Animals.....IKEA....#What Is it That we Are Creating, And do we Want to Support the Actions we Are Taking?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemians!

This morning I woke up and as I checket my mail

I saw I got a mail from the organisation for Animal rigths here in Sweden. In the mail I found an article about the company IKEA. The articel where about how IKEA do not taking steps towards cruelty free chicken farms. Here is the Swedish article

The Daily Maul

As what the artical was telling IKEA hade pull back there claim to better conditions for the chicken they order for there restuangt that they once agreed on taking, contrys like Sweden never aggred to these statement and only in Italy and Schwiez the company had followed the agrement to care for the animal rigths by only buying from farmers where there was an enviromnet that was more healthy for the animals.

For you how do not know how it can be in these farms, for those of you who have missed this information here is a video

with pritty strong image and actions that can show an inviroment where the animals is not seen or belived have any sens of dignity, emotions or feelings. We as consumers need to take actions and have an insigt in how these animals are treated.

I went over to a more plan based diet for around 7 years ago

For me when I went over for a more plant based diet, it had nothing to do with animals or there right. I have always loved animals but I wasn't awere of these environments, of course there was some thought of animals but that wasent the main reson. For me to go over to eat less and less meet was for other reasons.

I lived and ate only vegiterian food for 6 months and after I thought I was going to cellibrate with meet.

Kind of like these. I had been growing up with meet and eating it a lot, vegeterian food was somthing really rare.

7000 calorie BBQ meat feast

But I got an awakening, and it had nothing to do with animals at first, it was my bodys vocie that came to be my awakening

After that, more and more I got exposed to diffrent animal crualty and in the meet industri I found a lot of horrible just to horrible conditions for animals. And by the power of people we have a lot to say when it comes to products that we want to buy or not.

I think these is a complex problem like most problems that contains so many people and its spread throu out the world, but one thing we can do is to start demanding there rigths for animals to have a good life. Another thing is to eat less meat and a third thing is to really start to eat less meat, to only eat meat on special occations. In that way we do not need this mass production of animals, we need less space for crop growing, that is another issu in the enviroment with these large farming production places and we also would see a hugh benefit in our own health.


Back in the old days, meat was a rar thing that only came in to the picture on really special occasions. Only when people started to get rich the greeed for meat and luxury increased, and people started to eat more and more meat, out side traditions. Back to they hunting period of our time we sometime they got an animal and sometimes not so plants was there main source and the basic of the diet.


I got expost to the indian culture kind of at the same time I started my journey from meat to veggies, it was throu Buddhism and the Hindu teachings. Meditation and yoga! Both culturs have a strong core in the vegetarin diet and the respect for animal and there rights and there valu.

Every ritual back in the old traditions had a strong scientific base

It was baesed on
-Moral law
-Natural law
-Cosmic law
-Divine law and moral traditions

An articel most about vedic culture and Link of the picture

So what can you do? Here are some links to actions you can take? Organiastions that do actions that can need support!

As a member of Green Peace I got information about an action thats going to take place in Chopenhagen in december

--Livestock Street Art

Take contact with Green Peace Denmark for more information.

And here is some great artist that made some thougthfull arts on the theme. Against animal crualty

Someother Links

Animal Rigths Austraila
Animal Rights Sweden
Animal Rigths international



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