Idle hands are the devil's workshop

in #life8 years ago (edited)

DSC00094.JPGRolled out of bed this morning about a quarter past nine, after checking the crypto market I proceeded to get extra high. It all started with a spoon of kratom and then a few bowl rips of that sweet, sweet green. I love getting high. Unfortunately, I haven’t left home all week, I’ve been doing nothing but getting high and having sex here in my shed. It looks like this trend will continue.
Well, at least I have enough food for at least another week here, and enough money to buy more for another 3 weeks. I really need to call around for work, I plan to cheat the pre work drug screen with a device called the urinator. I am dreading this process, I’ll have to interview, talk to new people, try not to get so high in the mornings. I think there might be something wrong with me too, I get social anxiety when talking to people I don’t know, I dread this.
I just have to make a few calls, but not today. Today I already have my tear on and I am going to hole up for one more day, get stoned and maybe listen to some phish or something. My girlfriend says she wants to party next week as well, that’ll soak up two days I am sure. She is saving her pee for me so it’ll have to be something trippy. I am not in the mood for mushrooms either, I think we’ll go with a little L or hell maybe even cactus juice. Have you all ever had cactus juice? Or tar? Ahh mescaline, So hard to get down but such a rewarding experience, Mescaline is found in psychoactive cacti such as Peyote or San Pedro, Tricherious, or T. Peruvianus columnar cacti plants found throughout the world, here in the U.S. the latter ones are legal to have and buy so I have made quite a few concoctions with those, in fact I have some dried chips here I might try to brew up for us if she’s down to try.
Preparing the dried chips is a crap shoot sometimes, I’ve had experiences that have blown my man tits off and some that are duds, this time I’m just going to try 3 broils with straining and a defat overnight in the fridge. Mine will have beetle juice in it as well as a bunch of fuckin weavels hatched in my stash, I won’t mention that to her. The beetles can only improve the flavor of the tea.
I’ve never had more than a few slivers of peyote thrown in, that stuff is hard to procure in jersey, some day though. A man can dream. Maybe it’ll happen for me this winter. Thinking of winter, I’ll need to prepare for it..I insulated my shed but forgot the floor so it gets pretty cold here.
Should probably stay on topic here, cactus, Theres all kinds of ways to extract and prepare it and some recipes even conflict with others, most of the time I’ll just try a way and hope it works out, the last time I used an isopropyl alcohol extraction on powder but it was lacking even though I have had some success with this in the past, this time I’ll just try a broiling water extraction, ill broil it or is it boil ? in water at a low broil for 40 minutes a shot I guess , strain it and add more water 3 times.. toss the chips, Ill leave the combined brews in a big tub in the fridge overnight and pour off the top layer the next day.
Mescaline is a ride, It takes over 2 hours to start and you may vomit before that time happens, and possibly lose your dose, if you can hold it down you are rewarded with the most awesome of trips. It’s like a molly roll with its own distinct flavor of hallucinations, things begin to morph and bend, extra dimension is added, colors seem vibrant and alive. I also have seen hieroglyphic and geometric overlays. This can continue for up to 12 or so hours, it’s one of the longest trips around. Ancient tribes in Peru have been enjoying this for ages, as have Native Americans, and Mexicans I am sure. There is supposed to be some medical qualities to these cacti as well, I don’t know about that , but I did blow out an eyelid cyst one night on a cactus trip. Another time the morning after I had a kidney stone come out of my kidney so maybe there’s something to that.
Until later this is the shed hermit signing off~ donations appreciated,
btc 16JqrvwGDU2CPMpoEbqSvDYr34eM9mYwfW

ltc LQckeN4yLX1We2uxxWW53XL1FkSP4SQ1nM

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